scanned by Mike Dunn
The Absurd Mystery of
The Strange Forces of Existence
Property of:
David Lynch
Registered with
Black . . . fade in a giant stage . . . enormous with black cur-
tains--open. The entire stage is filled with a wall of fire
200 feet high. Within the fire are thousands of souls screaming
out silently . . . only the roaring of the fire.
There is a dark land where mysteries and confusions abound, where
fear and terror fly together in troubled cities of absurdities.
Black clouds race by over a soot-covered city, where it is dark-
est night. Only a few tiny yellow squares of light in the old
buildings and factories. Everything is so dark. Very little
life is noticed except the tiny dark yellow squares. There are
no cars seen from this high angle looking down over the city--no
people out this night.
A closer look at some of the buildings reveals a thirties style
architecture, although quite plain and very massive. Office
buildings with heavy industrial factories. A smoke stack pours
tons of heavy black smoke slowly and silently into the dark night
sky. Hundreds of heavy electrical wires crisscross through
the sky and electricity hums come from giant boxes on the poles.
The headlights and then a car--it moves slowly below, down a
street then turns out of signt. An old neon sign over a diner
says "City Diner." A large old hospital and the, front steps.
Inside a nurse goes by wheeling a patient on a rolling bed.
The corridor is now empty. Moving slowing through the empty
corridor. An open steel door.
Down now two flights of cement stairs and along a dark and moist
corridor off of which sit decaying subterranean hospital rooms.
We hear the heavy machinery that keeps the massive building ope-
rating. Pipes leak rusted festering water into puddles on the
cold floor.
Entering one of these small decaying rooms we see an old hospital
bed. A dim name tag on the end of the bed bears the name RONALD
In the bed, under the white sheets, lays RONALD DE ARTE who,
because of some strange unnamed happening is now here quite dis-
figured. There is no human form to him really except he does
have arms and legs, but they're under the sheets. The chest
and head area are very strangely shaped, but there is a hole
for a mouth and a nose. In the mouth there are teeth and a tongue
which moves. There are two eyes above the nose hole. The eyes
dart back and forth.
Suddenly, and quite mysteriously there is a detective now standing
in this room. He wears black pants and shoes, a white shirt,
a black jacket which is now hanging on a rack over against the
cement wall. Over his shirt, he wears leather straps and a
shoulder holster which supports a .38 pistol under his arm.
He is standing, looking at the hospital bed. Ronald De Arte'
is now making some sounds--very high pitched whines and is
attempting to reach a piece of paper which lies on a moveable
steel tale next to his bed. The Detective moves in closer and
hands the paper to Ronald who contorts in order to get his arm
over to it. More high pitched whines and a knocking of his hand
on the table near a pencil which leaps with every hit lets the
Detective know that Ronald now requires a pencil with which to
write. Ronald very shakily scribbles out the following symbols
and all the while he makes very long, high pitched whines:
The Detective takes the paper to a small lamp across thd room
and looks the symbols over. He folds the paper and continues
to hold it as he turns toward Ronald again. He comes up closer
to Ronald. Ronald makes some more noises. The Detective now
is very close to Ronald looking into his eyes. Very faintly
the big close up of Ronald stays double exposed as the Detective
turns, gets his coat and goes quickly out of the room. Putting
on his coat he looks suspiciously, left and right down the dark-
corridor--no one--he goes down the hall and disappears around
the corner. No one is on the street as he crosses it to a large
building where he stops and turns back to see if anyone is follow-
ing him. He looks carefully all around him. Satisfied with
the situation as it is, he turns back again and goes down the
street into the darkness. Ronald's CU fades.
Now the Detective is in a train station. Several people are
boarding a black steel train in a dimly lit passenger loading
area. The Detective climbs aboard and finds a seat. Even with
the lights on it is still so dimly lit. The cigar and cigarette
smoke is very thick. People talk but not too audibly because
the train and station sounds are so loud. It is a dull crowd
of very poor working-class people. The train begins to move
and rumbles through the night. At the first station nearly every-
one lets off. An arcing of electricity and on again to the next
station which appears to be the last because everyone gets off
except the Detective. The people hurry through the underground
station than all is deserted. The train continues to make sounds
but doesn't move. A conductor appears and finds the Detective
still aboard.
(speaking loudly)
Off the train!!!
I want to go deeper into the city. I'm
a detective.
You a detective?
Train doesn't go far into the city . . .
can only go one, maybe two, more stations
. . . closed up beyond that . . . no
one. You want to go, but only one, maybe
two, stations.
Can I get another train to go further?
No more trains ever beyond here
never go . . . now three people.
(looks up with a "now this is curious" expression)
At this, two strange looking people slowly enter the train car
from the other end and begin coming toward the Detective and
the Conductor.
The Conductor leaves the car and the other two sit down and look
at the Detective, then at each other, then down at the floor,
then up at the Detective.
Outside the Conductor yells something which echoes in the back-
ground, then someone way far away yells. The Conductor yells
again and the train begins to move very slowly ahead with much
grinding metal sounds. Streaking along the train moves into
even heavier darkness. Occasionally a light can be seen outside
the windows but mostly all is black. The lights in the train
dim down lower as a humming sound comes from above the trains.
The train slows and enters a station. This station is empty
and very old. It looks completely un-used. Papers and dirt
are blown through-out, windows are broken, and most of the lights
are out. The outside is suddenly lit up considerably by a huge
electrical arcing of the wiring on the train. It stops and the
lights inside come up slightly. The Conductor walks quickly
into the car and as he goes by the three of them:
Bad repair . . . electrical sparks!
Outside the electricity arcs again and the train jumps forward.
It moves along slowly and the giant humming sound is now con-
tant. The train goes through darkness then comes to an area
where there are some lightbulbs strung on wires and then the
train slows to a grinding halt. The two across from the Detec-
tive leave the train as the Conductor walks in.
End of the line.
Is this the station?
No one uses the station . . . all that's
left. We have train trouble now . . . a
bad place. Get off the train now . .
. this is the end of the line. From
here on you're on your own, Bub!
The Detective steps off the train and the train begins backing
up out of sight. The Detective stands near a bulb. Moths fly
against the bulb . . . over and over again they hit at it, try-
inz, to get at the light. The Detective watches the moths.
There are noises, the Detective turns. He is surrounded by snarl-
ing black dogs circling him--moving closer. The Detective freezes
with fear. Now out of the darkness comes a group of men wearing
black woolen overcoats, black hats, gloves and boots. They stamp
their feet up and down as they slowly surround and move in closer
to the Detective. They join with the dogs and become like the
moths around the light bulb. Suddenly like animals they attack
and quickly beat the Detective to the ground. One of the men
"zaps" the Detective with a huge electrical jolt from an elect-
rical hand gun which is shaped like a cattle prod. The Detective
doesn't move. They continue to circle. They "zap" him again
and the ground begins to smoke. Now laughing they storm off
into the night with the dogs. The Detective strains to open
his eyes and maintain consciousness.
DETECTIVE (outloud to himself)
What has happened to this place?
Now out of the darkness comes an old man, TERRY. In fact, one
of the two people that travelled on the train with the Detective.
He is an older man--rather mean looking and wears one pant leg
rolled up exposing a gauze bandage. He carries a fly swatter
with him and from time, swats his sore leg at the bandage. When
the sore is particularly acting up, Terry turns the swatter around
and digs under the bandage with the wire handle.
Now Terry circles the Detective slowly--eyeing him.
Get up . . . Get up here outa the light
. . . I was supposed to meet you but
had to get rid of that guy I was
travelin with. Now you listen to me
. . . and listen carefully . . . answer
my questions too . . . You're new in
this part of the city . . . right sucker?
Yes . . . Jut what I thought . . . what
a mess you seem to be too. I meet a
lot of people and I can tell a few things
about em . . . I can see that you are
a mess.
Settle down . . . What do you . . .
Don't try to tell me . . . I'll tell
you . . . I can tell you that too.
believe me . . .
Well tell me then . . .
You want to go further into the city.
To the inner city.
Can you hold a thought?
Can you hold a thought?
I can think if that's what you mean?
My God, we're going to have trouble.
Let me ask you a question. Where did
you get that ugly fresh face? (silence)
Let me say it another way . . . How is
it that you came to an arrangement of,
features such as that which you are expos-
ing to me now? Can you answer that?
This is unbelievable Are you a detec-
OK smart guy . . . what are the three
rules of a detective then?
--stay alert
--stay clean
Right! Now . . . there's new rules in
this part of the City see? NEW rules
. . . say new rules.
New rules.
That's right . . . It's hard to under-
stand . . . HARD to concentrate . . .
I don't know if you heard me?
Yes I heard you.
What did I say?
You said it is hard to concentrate.
In this part of the city.
. . . that's right . . . now where you
want to go . . the inner city . . . it's
impossible to concentrate see? huh Buddy
do you comprehend what I'm telling ya?
So . . .?
So tell me what I have to do.
Hell I suppose you want me to do it for
ya too . . . You don't even KNOW?
Yes I know some things but not everything
. . .
God help us . . we are rally gonna need
it . . . Look at this Detective . HEY!!
Let's get in off the street . . . this
is going to take some time to explain.
Terry takes the Detective along a street lined with old cheap
hotels. He leads the Detective to one of them. Outsidse the
door a mangy black dog growls. The Detective jumps back.
Hey, it's a dog is all.
I . . . I'm afraid of dogs . . . and
they know it.
Inside, behind the desk, there is a clerk who's sleeping. The
Detective rings the bell and the clerk awakens slowly as if he
may have been drinking a lot.
How much is a room here?
Three and a half a night, hot shot?
Oh yeah?
(staring defiantly at the Detective)
Yeah . . . and you'll have to share the
room with some knitters.
Terry quickly places his hand over the detective's hand as a
signal for him to be quiet.
That'll be fine . . . we'll share the
room with the knitters.
Who's rentin this room? . . . You or
He's payin' for it and I'm makin' the
arrangements . . . OK? . . . Is that
OK by you?
Yeah maybe so . . . You're in 5B . .
. top of the stairs . . . turn left.
That's three and a half in advance.
The Detective gives him the money and the clerk hands him the
key to 5B. At the top of the stairs, he and Terry turn left
and go to the door of 5B--open it--and enter a tiny hotel room.
Old wallpaper, some floor lamps, and old iron bed and two filthy
old women sitting in chairs at opposing walls . . . the knitters.
One knitter is actually knitting. The other is sewing a button
on a dirty old sweater. Terry digs into his wound with his fly
swatter then looks closer at the sewing of the button. He smiles
a curious smile at the detective. The knitters are talking while
this is happening.
I feel terrible . . . I just have no
energy and I feel nauseous.
I have a terrible cold . . . It's gone
in the back of my throat now and in my
Ahhh! Now you know how I felt . . .
I felt horrible . . . remember I had
two colds . . . the second one last week
was the worst . . . I never felt so
bad . . . Now it's in my chest . . . just
wait till your's goes into your chest
then you'll maybe know how drained I
feel . . . just drained . . .
I guess I never told you about my back?
(still leaning over near Knitter #1)
. . . close to the button. As Terry
speaks the knitters shut-up).
See . . . the button?
Yes . . . I see the button.
See the needle . . . the thread . . .
Yeah . . .
(speaking as if any minute the detective
will suddenly "understand")
the needle goes in and out. The needle
goes in . . . comes out . . . it turns
around and then (very loud) IT GOES
DETECTIVE (jumping back)
Damn it! It's a symbol . . . Don't you
understand a damn thing? Symbols . . .
numbers . . . parables . . . mysteries
This is what I am tryin' to tell
you about.
What's with the button, Terry?
It's a process, see . . . of steps . . .
a rhythm . . . involving a continuum
i.e., the THREAD you idiot!! and the
needle . . . Now what do you suppose
the needle stands for?
I don't know.
You don't know . . . well can you guess?
Well . . . possibly it's a
Well possibly it's a
I don't know.
Terry collapses.
My God . . .
Well you tell me.
Terry walks over to Knitter #2.
Look at this . . . a knitter . . . Look
. . . two needles working . . . See?
Look . . . yarn. . . a continuum . . .the
fabric . . . the form.
Terry! What are you trying to tell me?
I don't go around explainin' the unex-
plainable, Buddy.
Oh yeah. Well tell me Terry what we
have to do . . . try to tell me in a
realistic way . . . using words.
It's not so easy.
Try . . .
It's a man named Hank Bartells.
DETECTIVE (stepping closer to Terry)
He's the problem.
DETECTIVE (stepping very close to Terry)
Yeah . . . how so?
He got all the electricity see?
And he's got the electricity fouled up,
reversed or somethin' so's its around
the wrong way and all the power is suckin
up light . . . he's making darkness as
fast as you can pee your pants and with
this darkness buddy comes confusion and
this confusion gets stronger as you get
close to him, i.e., Hank Bartells, which
you've got to do but you can't do so
if you did though you wouldn't even remem-
bear your own name . . . see?
If I lose consciousness . . . I die.
Hey . . . It's the same with everybody
here. So are you beginning to see a
picture forming on the old Litmus paper.
(points to his head).
Not really Terry . . .
Look here's a map see? Of the city.
(The detective looks down.with Terry
to study a map of the city). . . . this
here's the inner city where Hank is
but no one's allowed to go there
see? So's my friend or so called friend
Bill see . . . he maybe was going to
take you in there but now he won't so's
anyway . . . he was that guy that was
with me on the train and hey watch out
for him, man, cause he's mean as hell
. . . he'll kill ya . . . I gotta tell
He will?
He sure as hell will.
Is it safe to talk here? (referring
to the knitters)
(he walks over next to Knitter #2 and
holds the top of her head)
You know what's inside here? . . . If
you had a power drill you'd burn the
damn thing out before you drilled even
one half inch into this head. This is
rock man . . . solid rock . . . Hell
yes it's safe to talk here . . .
Terry comes back to the map and the detective.
TERRY (con't)
What's on your mind?
How do we get into the inner city and
find Hank Bartells . . . and stop him?
Well . . . the inner city's locked up
pretty tight like I told you but more
and more its . . . well . . . more people
is coming out of it . . . a lotta the
electric trucks are coming out . . . the
trucks pipe out the bad electricity .
. . see so's . . . and like the donut
men . . . they're comin' out
The donut men?
Yeah . . . and those men with those
black coats . . . you know . . . the
one's that zap you . . . so' if they
are coming out there's got to be a way
in . . . Bill knows one of the gates
. . . he knows Hank supposedly . . . It's
bad I'll tell ya . . . One way though
is the dangerous way but it's . . . it's
goin backwards.
Yeah . . . memory lane stuff . . . scary
dangerous stuff . . .
Whatya mean . . . Memory Lane.
You know . . . starting with his parents
and working our way back . . . and some-
where back there is that gate to the
old inner city.
Oh yeah? . . .
Yeah . . . So you think you can handle
this kinda job Boy-o?
I can stand on one leg.
I can stand on one leg and give you the
Detectives' Motto.
This I gotta see.
The Detective stands up and then raises one foot so he can hold
it with one of his hands. Across the room one of the knitters
looks over.
My God look at that . . . He's standing
on one leg . . . imagine.
The detectives' motto
Stay alert
Stay clean.
TERRY (amazed)
People here can't hardly stand up anymore
let alone go for a period on one leg
believe me. We do stand on one leg for
a moment when we walk. As one foot swings
TERRY (cont'd.)
forward on the stride the other remains
on the ground and for that moment we
are technically speaking on one foot.
However, we are in motion, not station-
ary. The balance is there but are we
sure? Because in the next moment the
other foot will be on the ground to save
us from falling. It's not the same thing
with you. You can maintain balance for
possibly even minutes let alone seconds
and this is remarkable. It's unbelievable
in this part of the city. Or really,
in any part of the city. Of course I've
seen people stand on one foot while hold-
ing on to something with their hands.
Meanwhile, at the hospital, two men, DR. DAN PINK, and DR. BOB
PLATINUM, sneak down to the hospital basement and look into each
room, searching. When they find Ronald's room they enter. They
move toward Ronald and he starts a high scream. They muffle
him with their gloved hands, unhook his electrical apparatus,
scoop him up and steal him away from the hospital.
They carry Ronald in an old sedan through dark streets to an
old building. They go to a service elevator and travel to one
of the top floors to a laboratory which the two of them maintain.
It is equipped with black massive electrical appliances and
gadgets. The walls are a yellow-green and all is lit by blue
glowing fluorescent lights giving the place a scientific eeri-
They sit Ronald in a very special electrical chair which has
several tiers behind the back of the place Ronald sits. Each
tier has new dials and cords and antennae and symbols. They
take a blood test and spin the blood in a special jar. They check
his tongue and eyes. They throw levers, turn dials and mumble
things to themselves as they work. They work very quickly.
Suddenly, something begins to smoke on one of the levels of the
chair and Ronald begins to bounce up and down. There is a shud-
dering noise . . . the fluorescent lights waiver . . . then a
small poof explosion and Ronald's head droops down. Quickly
the doctors analyze the situation and brings thing under control.
Ronald's head comes back up and he looks around . . . dazed.
The doctors study his eyes again. After studying for a while
they turn to each other.
Bob, we made it . . . this is a specimen.
BOB (excited)
Let's have a malted.
A malted???
Dan stands up. He leaps and punches his friend hard on the jaw,
smacking him hard and knocking him down to the floor.
Malteds before we even hardly get a look
at this!!! After all we've been through?
We're going to work!!!
I meant to celebrate.
Hell no!!
I guess so, but why'd you hit me so hard?
(he pushes Dan back against a machine)
Don't hit me so hard.
All right, but let's get a look at this
Okay, let's get a look at this specimen
what a beauty! You know, we can
rally do something with this. Get the
chart out.
They both go to the wall and Dan pulls down a wall chart entitled
"The Average Handsome Man." Arrows point to specific features
such as straight nose, clear eyes, ears not large, strong chin,
good jaw, clear complexion, etc.
It's going to be some work.
We just have to take our time and think
it through . . . NO MISTAKES THIS TIME,
Whadda mean, Bob?! What happened last
time? Whaddya mean, Bob? Scalpels,
boy! We'll do it okay, just don't dwell
in the past. The past is past.
Look, look, look . . . we'll do it!
We'll just take our time and get it per-
fect! You know I'm a PERFECTIONIST!
(slams his fist into his hand) I can't
stand these mistakes and then you wanted
a malted right away. What is it?!!
You understand, right Bob, we're surgeons!
We're surgeons . . . I meant to cele-
brate. You really get to me. You want
me to quit? I will . . . . I've had
it . . . no malteds, okay. No malteds,
but stop dwelling in the past. Are we
in the past? No!! Hell no, I'm not
going to quit . . . we're in the present.
Why go where you're not. It's gone.
You can't bring it back, Dan. Face it
. . . you can't change what's . . .
. . . already happened.
Shut up. Just you be quiet. Look at
this chart, okay? We're in the present
. . . we're going to operate. (Suddenly
Dan has realized he has urinated in his
pants. He looks down at the wetness.)
DAN (cont'd.)
Damn! (he looks back up at Bob)
Let's get some sort of idea where we
stand with this specimen, Ronald De
Arte'. Then we'll fix some malteds . . .
alright Bob, alright?? Now, we're start-
ing off. It's going to be one of our
finest projects . . . .
There is a knocking at the door. The Doctors turn as the door
opens. In comes DEBORAH very small, very finely dressed and
heavily made-up woman. The doctors obviously know her and have
been expecting her.
BOB AND DAN (in unison)
Hi Deborah.
DEBORAH (excited)
Hello boys, let's see him.
The Doctors take her over to Ronald on the chair.
DEBORAH (cont'd)
Oh, Sweeties . . . an awful lot of work
for you . . . oh.
Don't worry about what he looks like
He'll be all ours, won't he?
Yes, he will.
Yes, he will.
Please come up to dinner now. I've been
waiting dinner in my apartment for you,
will you come now?
Deborah, we're just barely started.
You have to eat, don't you
Yes, but . . .
I can't work on an empty stomach, Dan.
I'm going to start shaking.
Shaking, shaking, shaking . . . let's
eat then! I'm going to take off my light,
(takes off forehead light) and I'm going
to pull three light plugs (pulls plug)
and I'm going to put on my coat . . .
Sweetie, (she goes to Dan and takes him
by the arm, then referring back to Bob)
Come, Bobby.
They exit after Bob struggles into his coat. (His lining of
his coat was torn and his hand stuck in it.)
Upstairs, Deborah's apartment is extremely elegant. She has
a big poodle dog and big vases of flowers. The poodle spends
the entire time laying on its back under the dinner table, pant-
ing. Deborah has an older women in a uniform serving the dinner.
The dish this evening is a strange looking vegetable with clusters
of leaves on it. They begin eating by breaking the leaves off
and floating them in a bowl of water which sits in front of them.
With special spoons, they spoon in small round balls which dis-
solve and make the water thicker. They then cut off parts of
the remaining vegetable and dip it into the thickened water bowl
and eat it. It has a spicy hot taste and they all breathe funny
after eating each mouth full.
The conversation during dinner is dominated by Deborah, and the
older uniformed lady listens to all of it from behind the kitchen
. . . A little tickle, you know where,
I mean now . . . oh, you can bounce too,
Sweetie, and roll and bounce . . . oh,
that's good! I have a tongue, you know,
and right away I start using it, don't
I? Right away I start using it because
this is the way I believe. I have
DEBORAH (cont'.)
fingers, too, and right away I start
using them because this is the way I
believe. I take my time, hmm? And I
have a breath . . . this breath . . . I
breathe so quietly and softly on the
The poodle continues panting under the table,
DEBORAH (cont'd.)
This is done over and over . . . and
now I breathe all around . . . this is
why I am breathing . . . because it
makes a softness . . . the hair stands
and the skin gets funny . . . you know
. . . The whole thing is so pretty, like
picture . . . like a furniture. Now
the rubbing . . . (they both turn to
Behind the kitchen door the uniformed lady presses herself harder
to the door to hear better.
DEBORAH (cont'd.)
The rubbing is something that I do because
this is the way I believe. The rubbing
for me is beautiful . . . I am an artist,
rubbing and rubbing. Sometimes I rub
hard, sometimes I rub softly . . . some-
times my little fingers rub, rub, rub
so softly . . . so tenderly. Bobby,
you look tired, I think Dan will stay
But, he stayed last night.
You will stay tomorrow night, Sweet,
I promise.
Downstairs, Ronald sits in his chair in the laboratory. He looks
lonely in this strange green room, many electrical sounds humming
Moving closer to Ronald De Arte' at night in the labora-
tory. His eyes, confused . . . staring . . .
Terry is still talking. The Detective is still standing on one
leg. The knitters are knitting.
. . . there have been stories of people
standing on their hands but both of their
hands . . . never only one. There's
a man around the corner who supports
himself on one hand and one leg . . .
maybe you'll see him when we go get some-
thing to eat because he's usually out
front of the diner. I knew a man once
who could get out of bed without using
his hands but then he'd usually fall
over or get sick ya know? Nowadays with
Hank reversing the electricity most people
like to sit down or lie down. A lot
of people have diseases now . . . you
know . . . diseases? . . . physical
disorders . . . Even if they are feelin'
good sometimes after the trucks come,
around they act funny from then on . . .
In other words they get permanently
changed you know . . . but you bein'
able to stand on one foot is damned near
unbelievable . . . damn good.
It is foggy outside the Lab windows. Distant factory sounds
are heard.
The doctors have opened Ronald up and are putting electrical
components inside of him. After closing him, they leave a tube
through the skin onto which they hook an electrical device that
Ronald will always have to wear on his chest. Out of the device
comes another tube and at the end of it there is a rubber bag
and a small needle which is again inserted back into Ronald's
skin and taped over with adhesive tape.
They use electricity in several foreign manners to carve Ronald's
face and graft on new features. Unfortunately, these doctors
aren't the artist they think they are. Their hearts are in the
right place, and they have tremendous energy, but the results
are far and away from handsome. The doctors are very serious
while they work. They concentrate very hard and their faces
contort in funny ways. It's now break time and Bob is bringing
the malteds over to where Dan is by Ronald. As they drink their
malteds they discuss their work.
What are you thinking?
I'm thinking that the ears will have
to be really done well this time, Bob.
BOB (sensing something)
I agree with that.
DAN (carefully)
They're complicated. And always before
we seem to hurry through the ears.
You want to divide up the work as usual?
I'll take the ears and you do the nose
or something?
DAN (going around the bush)
Maybe . . . (he reaches over slowly and
turns a dial and Ronald moves some and
opens his mouth. Inside the mouth the
tongue starts flapping. He turns the
dial down some.) That mouth is going
to be a problem.
Well, do you want to talk it through?
Shall we start on it?
There's something else that we haven't
thought about, Bob. And, that is hair.
I was going to say . . . yes, I know,
hair, that is something to think about.
Hair . . .(he downs the rest of his
malted and stands up, pauses--moves close
to Ronald) . . . I'd like to do the ears,
You've been leading up to this! I knew
it!! I know they weren't quite right
last time. You want the ears? Well,
I want the ears, too! (he stands up)
I grafted them high last time . . . but,
this isn't the point. I'm the ear spec-
ialist!!! . . . you've got no right taking
the ears. You've only done one ear!
I want the ears (he's trembling). You've
been trying to think of a way to get
the ears. I know you. You've been lying
awake nights thinking of how you could
manipulate me into giving you the ears
. . . and on THIS project! I've seen
you planning . . . I knew you were trying
to get them from me, I knew it.
Bob strikes cut and smashes Dan in the face. A short fist fight
follows and then . . .
All right! . . . You keep the damn ears!
(bleeding & panting)
No . . . You take the ears. It's not
worth it. I'll work on something else.
Maybe the hair or something.
No . . . I'm sorry, Bob. We'll both
work on everything. That way it'll be
perfect. You take an ear and I'll take
an ear. We just have to keep good mea-
surements. . WE'VE GOT TO KEEP GOOD
MEASUREMENTS!! (He buckles over and
slams his fist into his hand for emphasis)
The laboratory is now lit for precision work and the chart of
"The Average Handsome Man" has been moved in closer to the
doctor's work area. They are each working an Ronald's head.
The process involves a light foam over the skin and electrical
instruments hooked here and there. Small electrical tools are
used by the doctors to reform Ronald's skin. The foam hides
most of the work. Dan is now putting the nose into place.
Bob is assisting. Dan lifts the nose off the table (where he
has been fashioning it). The area for the nose has now been
cleared. Dan is just starting to place the nose.
That looks good.
If I can place it now, let's have the
All right. (He pulls some skin apart)
(placing the nose)
This is about the best nose we've ever
It is.
Hand me the cotter and then let's stitch
Hold it . . . let me plug it in (as he
plugs the cotter in Ronald begins to
make a strange noise. Bob adjusts a
dial and the noise stops. He hands Dan
the cotter)
Good. (he begins a delicate burn all
around the seam of the note and head,
Bob begins a stitching process.) . . .
the ears will be next . . .
Later, Deborah is standing looking at Ronald and his new nose.
The rest of Ronald's head is covered with foam except for the
mouth which looks like it always has.
This nose reminds me of a small pillow
it's so soft looking. I like it
very much. You are rebuilding this boy
. . . he is so fortunate to have you
Dan and Bob smile. Deborah walks slowly crossing the room, then
DEBORAH (con't)
Bobby, come now . . . upstairs with me.
Go ahead, Bob. It's late, we're through
for the night.
(smelling a rat)
Don't do anything till I get back.
I won't.
Don't even clean up anything . . . Promise?
I won't.
Do you promise?
Just go to bed . . .
(stamps his feet
Come, Bobby, Dan will behave himself.
Deborah and Bob are crossing her living room. It is fairly dark.
Remember the yellow light bulb? (she
laughs, Bob is embarrassed) I've got
a new one for you, Bobby. And, some
new wire. Happy? Hmm? . . . Happy?
Bob smiles sheepishly.
Downstairs in the laboratory, Dan is over near Ronald and he
is pacing around and around. Suddenly, he can't help himself
. . . he decides to break his promise and plunges into work on
Ronald. He begins to prepare the side of Ronald's head for an
Upstairs Deborah and Bob are in bed. It is quite dark. Bob
is on his hands and knees under the blanket and straddling
Deborah, who is smiling and laughing as she reaches back to plug
in a wire. Bob screams outs as yellow light glows out from under
the blanket illuminating Deborah's chin and sending a faint yellow
glow around the wall. The light begins to blink on and off and
Bob begins to laugh and scream, laugh and scream, in unison with
the yellow light.
In the laboratory the next morning, Dan is still at work. Dense
fog is seen out the windows. Dan already has one ear on and
is working on another.
Upstairs, Bob and Deborah are crossing the living room. Deborah's
poodle is whining softly.
Better than ever before?
Yes. Deborah? Can I come up again
tonight? Dan had two nights in a row.
We'll see.
All right. Would you clean my hands
Here, let me wipe your hand and face,
Sweet. (she begins to wipe Bob's face
with a damp cloth she has been carrying.
She wipes his face over and over again,
and then she cleans his hands carefully.)
I guess I better go wake Dan.
All right, my Sweet Cabini . . . fly
away. Remember to try and sit up
straight. You're getting round shoulder-
ed. (she curves her hands over his
shoulders.) Take these sweets for you
and Dan. (she goes to the table and
gets some very fancy large candies and
gives them to Bob. He has to hold them
with both hands.)
I'll have to clean my hands again now.
Goodbye for now, Sweet.
Goodbye . . . maybe I should have cleaned
my hands better . . . these candies . . .
They're fine, Bobby. Your hands are
clean. Now go wake up Dan . . . Goodbye.
(calling back as he goes downstairs)
Goodbye . . . I'll clean them again anyway
soon for work. we're putting on the
ears today!
It's hard for Bob to open the door to the laboratory while his
hands are full of candies, but he finally manages.
Meanwhile, Dan hears Bob coming in, however, he's in a tickleish
spot and has to hold several things in place, including a cord
in his mouth. He can't hide the fact that he's been working
on Ronald without Bob.
Bob enters and sees Dan. At first he smiles then he sees the
Now you wait just a damn minute . . . I
can't figure out how these ears got on
here . . .
In a rage, Bob flies across the room. He wads the candies in
his fists and he hits Dan over and over again.
I can't figure it!!
Later, the two of them are working very silently. Both are beaten
looking. Dan has mussed candies stuck in his hair. As he rubs
his eyes . . .
What was that? My eyes are still burning.
Your eyes deserved to be burned.
Suddenly, Bob moves a lot of the foam away with an air instrument
and forgetting his anger, yells out . . .
Dan, look! He's looking good!!!
They push more foam away to get a look. They're both excited.
All the features on Ronald are well formed but they do not work
well together. One ear is quite a bit larger than the other.
And there is no hair at all. Several areas are not yet healed
. . . we've got the touch, Bob. We've
got the touch. Let's come up to 15,000
on the device. Maybe we can speed that
healing up.
That's a good idea. (turns some dials)
All the fluid there is just left over,
you know.
I know.
Bob crouches down and surveys the ears on Ronald.
The ears may be slightly off . . . (he
looks at Dan, Dan dives him a look back)
Bob removes more foam revealing the new Ronnie.
I mean, what can you say. Look at the
quality . . . the workmanship.
Theey slap each other on the bank.
I'm a little worried about the
He's got to have hair!
Well, we've got to do it then. What
color do you think?
We've got a bunch of brown ones left.
All right, by God, let's use them.
LATER: The top of Ronald's scalp. Dan and Bob have put in
several hairs. The hairs are long and wirey, and they have many
more to place before Ronald will even begin to look like he has
hair. He looks quite strange now with these few wirey hairs
sticking out.
You keep going. I'm going to get us
a malted. This hair is getting to me.
All right . . . me, too.
Bob goes over and scrubs his hands and gets going on a couple
of malted milks. Dan remains sticking in more hairs--one at
a time. Bob brings the malted milks over and Dan stops working
and takes a drink.
My hands came clean.
They look clean . . . I'm going to suggest
something and you can stop me if you
want to, but I'm going to suggest it
anyway . . . a wig.
A wig?
A wig.
A wig . . . that's a qood idea. We'll
stop sticking in hairs then?
We won't stick another.
Shall we get a brown wig?
DAN (pause)
I've been thinking red.
Dan, you won't believe it but I've been
thinking red, too.
Later that night Deborah, Bob and Dan are all staring at Ronald.
He has on his new red wig of high wavy pompadore style hair.
It's perfect.
It's perfect.
It is perfect, Sweets. Is he finished?
Almost, but we have to start him. You
set, Bob?
All set!
Pull three light!!
Bob and Dan each have several controls. They begin turning dials
and pulling levers. The chair begins to vibrate some and Ronald
begins to come to, but very slowly. From time to time he opens
his mouth and emits strange sounds and also from time to time
he blacks out altogether. Even when he's out, he twitches and
bounces. When he begins to fade, Bob and Dad pour on the juice
and the lights dim way down and there is an eerie glow. Deborah
looks beautiful in the glow as she watches the spectacle. Slowly,
Ronald begins to come to again. He looks very awake and his
eyes roll about. He begins to move and he begins to scream.
He starts to stand as he screams and vibrates violently when
all the lights blow out. POW!!! All at once. Ronald falls
back in his chair and is still, however, he looks awake now.
The moonlight is illuminating the room slightly.
(looking down out the window)
I think we blew out the whole building.
Ronald moans and his eyes start rolling.
I hope he's all right.
How will you fix the electricity?
They'll be on it soon, but last time
it took hours. I'm afraid this is it
for a while.
Ronald stops moaning and looks peaceful.
He looks peaceful now . . . in the dark-
ness. Is he all right honeys?
I think he's all right . . . we brought
him around.
A CU of Ronald reveals open eyes and a dazed, peaceful look.
Bob, Dan and Deborah move to a window and look out on the city.
Deborah turns to Bob and then to Dan. She gives Dan a slow tender
kiss on the lips and then she gives Bob the same. The three
of them stand close together looking out the window. Ronald
sits looking around the room still tied to many wires and sitting
low in the chair.
Some clouds go by slowly, and Bob and Dan and Deborah hugging
now, watch the city and the sky.
Suddenly the power comes back on. Ronald screams bloody murder
and is shot out of his chair twenty feet through the air. The
wires stuck to him keep him from going any further. The lights
in the room blink on and off and the equipment goes crazy with
sounds and sparks. Dan and Bob rush to turn things off.
What happened?!!!
You forgot to turn the damn machines
off, that's what happened.
I forgot?
Well, what does it look like?
Sweets, stop.
I forgot?! What about you?
Bob shoves Dan and he trips over Ronald's wires. Bob hits Dan
hard in the nose. The fight goes on all around Ronald who is
also on the floor. In and amongst the wires, Dan and Bob beat
each other while Deborah is screaming for them to stop. Ronald
sits up . . . the lights flutter several times, dim and then
go out. This stops the fight and all is dark and quiet except
for heavy breathing.
There must have been 10,000 volts through
I think we may have some trouble there.
You're bad . . . you're bad, bad, bad.
Did you see him fly across the room?
Like a rocket?
Sounds come up slowly.
Ronnie the Rocket.
Ronnie Rocket.
Up close on Ronald. In the moonlight laboratory he says
Ronnie Rocket.
The other three turn to him in amazement.
INT. Bob and Dan's Laboratory - Day
Ronnie is now fitted with a small black suit with a nice white
shirt. Bob and Dan now have the shirt open and they are in the
last stages of fitting Ronnie with his electrical chest appli-
ance. This is a life sustaining device which Ronnie will have
to wear continually. It fits to his chest with little shoulder
straps and one strap which goes around his torso. A series of
electrical wires come off this device and go surgically into
Ronnie's body. One fat cord comes out of the appliance and it
ends in a plug.
Don't tighten that strap too tight Bob.
I'm not.
See Ronnie? . . . See the plug? You
have to learn to plug yourself in every
fifteen minutes . . . When you hear the
little warning signal . . . . otherwise
you will (not wanting to upset Ronnie)
otherwise you will feel . . . funny.
Yes!! (to Bob) He said funny.
Can you say Bob?
canuu SayBob
You're all dressed now Ronnie . . . you're
a little human being . . . can you say
H U M A N B E I N G?
canuu . . . beann.
It sounded like he said can of beans.
Head canu bean.
Yes . . . H U M A N B E I N G. My God
Bob . . . he can TALK!
INT. Bob and Dan's laboratory. Bob has painted yellow footsteps
on the floor at one end of the lab. This is planned as a learning
device in order to teach Ronnie to walk.
Ronnie, we're going to learn to walk!
That's right, now, come here . . . that's
it . . . now, put your foot . . . no,
your right foot, right there on the
painted foot step . . . that's it . . .
NO! . . . on the painted footstep . .
. there . . . Yes . . . Now . . carry
the other foot through the air like this
. . . watch me . . . like this and put
it on the next painted footstep . . .
See? Watch me walk . . . then you do
it . . . OK? Watch me first.
Ronnie watching Bob as he picks one foot up very high and carries
it to the next painted footstep. Ronnie watches this strange
walking; then he mimics it perfectly. The only problem is Ronnie
doesn't ever smooth out his walk . . . He learns the high step
and the high step is what he does from then on.
No Ronnie, you don't have to lift your
feet so high . . . I was just doing that
in order to very carefully show you the
various phases of walking . . . Now
you can stop this high step which I showed
you and walk NORMALLY . . . walk NORMALLY.
Yes . . . Now let's walk around NORMALLY.
They begin walking again but Ronnie maintains this very meticu-
lous high, long stride. Dan enters the lab carrying a box of
electrical apparatus.
Even though he sees this strange sight of Bob and Ronnie, he
smiles proudly . . . their son is walking!!
INT. Deborah's apartment - DAY
Look Ronnie, this is Deborah's apart-
I'm so happy you are finally able to
see it.
I am too.
Can you say apartment?
Can you say partma.
Come Ronnie, let me show you around.
Deborah takes Ronnie's hand and begins to lead him but her poodle
dog stands up and begins to growl. Ronnie makes a small noise
and leaps back. He shakes with fear.
I think he's afraid of the dog . . .
I will have it removed . . . I will have
it removed Ronnie.
Slowly, so that Ronnie can see everything the three of them take
him through the living room and dining room. His little eyes,
darting here and there. In the kitchen. Ronnie high steps around
looking at all the different shapes and textures. He spots the
toaster. He goes to it and looks at his reflection in the shiny
It's a toaster . . . look.
He puts a piece of bread into the toaster and pushes the toaster
"on." As the toaster heats up a strange electrical disturbance
starts in Ronnie's chest and soon he is emitting through his
mouth a high pitched electrical scream. The toast blows out
of the toaster scorched black and burning. Deborah screams.
Smoke begins filling the room. Bob and Dan rush Ronnie into
the living room. His little eyes are rolled back. Bob and Dan
begin looking at various components of the chest-appliances.
It's the RZ factor again.
I think he really got too much the other
Yeah . . . what can we do? Maybe we
should run him through again.
Hell! The work!
Yeah but the shielding's all gone to
hell Bob . . . that jolt the other night
. . .
DEBORAH (worried)
Will he be all right?
Sure he will . . . we just have to keep
an eye on him . . . (Dan looks around)
turn something else on . . . turn the
radio on.
Deborah goes over to a big floor model radio and turns it on.
She turns the dial trying to find a station. She passes a station
where a woman is singing a song. Ronnie almost leaps to the
Do you like that? . . . Do you like
that song?
She tunes in the music. A beautiful melody is being sung by
a women with a high clear voice. Dan stands Ronnie by the radio.
There is a slight static sound. He adjusts a dial on the chest
appliance. The static disappears and he stands back away from
Ronnie. Ronnie suddenly opens his mouth and begins to mimic
the woman's voice on the radio. He actually sings some very
beautiful notes. Deborah looks amazed and she happily turns
to Bob and Dan who also begin to smile.
What a voice!.
A singer!
Suddenly though the electricity goes funny again. Ronnie's voice
causes tremendous static to build. The electrical complication
causes a wild distortion in the woman's voice and before Dan
or Bob can get to Ronnie the radio speaker is blown out with
an explosion. The radio, having been destroyed, sits smoking
silently. Ronnie begins to cry. Deborah is horrified and rushes
to his side joining Bob and Dan.
It's all right Ronnie . . . What can
you do boys?
DAN (worried)
We'll shield him good so unless he's
near lots of power he'll be OK . . .
Yes this is it . . . this is what we
will do.
Good . . . I noticed he's developing
several sores on his little face honeys.
What is this?
It looks like acne.
Yes it does.
BOB (going to look for himself)
It sure does.
What do you suppose is the cause of this?
It could be the electricity but . . .
(thinks) how old is Ronnie do you think?
I don't know . . . twenty maybe.
Twenty. I'll bet he's sixteen . . .
Look at that acne . . . he's high school
Probably sixteen, yes. I was overshooting
it a little with twenty. Yes . . . prob-
ably sixteen.
I think you're right . . . Oh how wonder-
ful . . . high school age. High school
was such a dream.
Yes, but he's not in high school.
No . . . that's right . . . that's
We'll get him in high school then.
Oh I don't know . . . He's going to have
to learn an awful lot before we could
ever get him in high school.
Oh do you think we can?
Ask Ronnie if he wants to go to high
Deborah does and Ronnie mumbles some sounds happily. She turns
back to Dan and Bob.
We'll have to get him enrolled though
. . . that will mean questions . . . we
have to have a plan!
We have to think!!
Dan stands at a portable blackboard with a pointer stick and
Bob stands back with Ronnie. All the letters of the alphabet
have been drawn with chalk on the blackboard. Dan says a letter
outloud as he points to it with his pointer stick.
A. (he points)
Bob says the letter with Dan then Ronnie says it as he makes
a smaller pointing gesture with his hand as if he had an imagi-
nary pointing sticks. B . . . C . . . D . . . E . . .
DISSOLVE TO: Dan, Bob and Ronnie huddled together. Ronnie
is speaking.
A. (he points)
Bob says the letter with Dan then Ronnie says it as he makes
a smaller pointing gesture with his hand as if he had an imagi-
nary pointing sticks. B . . . C . . . D . . . E . . .
DISSOLVE TO: Dan, Bob and Ronnie huddled together. Ronnie
is speaking.
T . . . . . . . F . . . . . .
right . . . now flip the penny like
I showed you.
Ronnie flips the penny in the air with his little thumb and
it bounces down on the floor . . . heads up, Ronnie bends down
real low and looks at it. Bob and Dan crouch down and look
at it too then they look at Ronnie. They wait.
head . . . . . . T
Bob and Dan smile proudly.
Good Ronnie.
Very good. Very good. Heads is T.
Tails is F. Very good.
Dense fog is outside the windows. Deborah is there with Dan
and Bob and Ronnie and everyone is dressed up. Ronnie is saying
the alphabet over and over again.
Oh, I'm getting nervous.
Everything will be fine. They'll just
probably ask a few questions then enroll
Ronnie and we'll go home. When they
ask for his school records just hand
them this. I got this made up to show
them. Just average grades, etc.
Dan shows this to Deborah.
I've changed my mind. You go ahead,
I'll stay here. (suddenly screaming)
I helped make that up!! (referring to
the raxe high school transcripts).
OK! OK! and you're'going. You're his
uncle. You can go!! I'm sure many times
several members of a family go to the
offices to register a boy for high
school. I'm sure sometimes the grand-
parents go . . . It's an important deci-
sion and its a memorable experience
. . . An experience to have in the
memory for a lifetime. If should be
shared by all members of the family.
They may even wonder why more relatives
aren't with us.
My God . . .
So you have to go!! That's all there
is to it . . . understand!! No one
will find out about us.
C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J,
They enter the front hall of a large old high school and proceed
to the school offices. They are as nervous as they can be.
When they enter they are confronted by a very old stern RECEP-
TIONIST who speaks right up.
Can I help you? What is it you need?
All react to her stern manner.
DAN (nervous)
Yes, we're Mr. and Mrs. Pink. We have
an appointment with Mr. Murdough . . . the
Who's the father?
I am . . .
Who's he then?
He's Ronnie's uncle.
I see. (she looks at her watch) I'll
get him. . . . you're eight minutes
late . . . I'm sure we haven't got
three chairs in Mr. Murdough's office
. . .
She exits and returns with MR. MURDOUGH
M.R. MURDOUGH (looking at the group
Come into my office.
By the way . . . I obtained a third
chair for the uncle.
When they walk through the outer office everyone stares at Ronnie
. . . including the principal. Once inside his office they
face Mr. Murdough behind his desk. The door has been closed
very hard by the receptionist.
Hello Mr. and Mrs. Pink.
Hello Mr. Murdough. This is Ronnie
and his uncle Bob Platinum.
Hello Ronnie . . . Hello Mr. Platinum.
Would you all be seated? Yes, good,
now, you want to enroll Ronnie in our
Yes, we would.
Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X . . .
Ah . . . yes . . . well.
B, C, E, E, F, . . .
Where did Ronnie attend school last
DAN (voice shaking)
High school of Factories and Service
we have his records.
Good, may I see them?
Here they are.
P, Q, R, S, T, U, V . . .
I see you have a complete list . . . also
the office transcripts . . . usually
we request this information ourselves
this is unusual . . .
We wanted everything to be orderly . .
. prepared . . . for our Ronnie . . . so
he could begin . . . again . . . I mean
. . . continue in higher education.
We will have to give him an entrance
exam of our own, I'm afraid. (he studies
Ronnie) It is our policy on all transfers
. . . it allows us to better place
the student in a class where he will
fit in. What is the chest appliance
I see on Ronnie?
(answers for Ronnie)
He's recovering from an illness . . .
He has to wear this . . . it must be
plugged in every fifteen minutes.
I'm sorry . . . every fifteen minutes,
too. He's not a talker, huh?
F, G, H, I, J, K, L . . .
As his uncle I can truthfully say that
he does talk . . . I've heard him.
Yes . . . I meant he's probably some-
what shy.
This is what I meant.
We hope this will be a good school for
our Ronnie. He needs your co-operation,
he needs the care . . . he needs the
attention . . . this is the way we
I see.
When will the entrance exam be given?
Right now if you like . . . Ronnie?
P, Q, R, S, T, U . . .
(to Ronnie)
Your test Ronnie.
Dan crouches down to Ronnie.
Ronnie . . . listen to me . . . Ronnie
. . . (the principal watches wide-eyed)
You're going to'take your test now . .
. all right? Ronnie? Your test . . .
your test is now.
Ronnie . . . the TEST . . . TEST.
B, C, D . . . E . . . test.
Yes! NOW (to principal) he's ready
The principal is staring at Ronnie and the group.
This testing room is surrounded by wire reinforced glass so
the student can be observed on all four sides. There is a large
clock above the glass on one wall. Ronnie is seated in a desk
and'the stern receptionist is speaking to him. An extension
cord and electrical box have been provided for Ronnie's electrical
needs. Bob, Dan and Deborah have been allowed to watch but
They are outside the room looking in through the glass. They can just
barely hear the Receptionist.
This is not a party . . . this is not a rowdy
night on the town. This is a TEST. This is a
three part test . . . multiple choice, true or
false, and essay. I will be watching, you, young
man, so no funny business . . . You have one half
hour . . . I might add that this test has been
devised by Dr. Herbert Smythe of Freeport Univer-
Funny business . . .
The stern Receptionist turns and leaves the room but she remains for
awhile at the glass until she sees Ronnie start filling in squares on the
multiple choice part of the test.
DAN (quietly to Deborah and Bob)
I told him just color in the blocks where he
wanted to . . . we'll leave it up to fate.
I told him too Deborah . . .
SUDDENLY Ronnie starts flipping pennies and going, crouching down, looking
then going back and marking his paper. Deborah looks at Bob and Dan.
DAN (to Deborah)
He's on the true or false section now.
Just then the Receptionist appears again. She is shocked by what she sees
Roonie doing. She enters the testing room in a rage.
All right young man!! . . . What is the meaning
of this? Don't think you'll put on over on me
. . . or Dr. Smythe You cannot fool Dr. Smythe.
The bell rings. Ronnie's head flies back and the Receptionist grabs
the test from him and marches off. Bob, Dan and Deborah look worried.
Later in the prinicpal's office they all wait as the Receptionist
brings in the results of the entrance exam.
She hands them to Mr. Murdough. She looks very agrily at them all
--then leaves.
Murodugh looks at the exam and then at Ronnie.
Ronnie Rocket.
Ronnie Rocket.
You like mathematics?
Ronnie says nothing.
MR. MURDOUGH (cont'd.)
Are you interested in mathematics?
(getting no response from Ronnie he
speaks to the rest) He shows a definite
gift in higher mathematics, quite a
gift. The rest of the exam is mediocre,
but as far as I'm concerned, he is
eligible for our school.
Bob, Dan and Deborah share an incredulous look.
MR. MURDOUGH (cont'd.)
He's a puzzling bcy. Does he have
brothers and sisters?
No, he's an only child.
I see, an only child, huh Ronnie?
Ronnie says nothing.
MR. MUROCUGH (cont'd.)
(looking at Ronnie)
He's got the blemishes they all seem
to get at this age. (he chuckles over
this and tries to get them to chuckle
along) I had the blemishes bad when
I was a youngster. Coal cities is where
I grew up. The black coal dust clouds
would blow all day and all into the
night, it got the coal dust in my teeth
and hair and all in the pores of my
skin. All the kids had it bad. It's
when I saw Ronnie here, I hadn't seen
MR. MURDOUGH (cont'd.)
it quite like his since I was back in
the coal cities. The factories here
will do it, too. The coal, the smoke.
The black smoke makes red sores. That
always seemed funny to me . . . that
black smoke would make red sores. All
the kids sure had 'em. Reminds me just
looking at Ronnie. (he picks up the-
exam) So this Ronnie Rocket is a mathe-
matician, is he? (all nod up and down)
Ronnie Rocket.
Ronnie Rocket.
Yes, well you can start school on Monday,
At this, Ronnie's warning signal starts up on his chest appliance
and he gets a queer expression on his face. He bends over
slowly and walks to an outlet and plugs himself in. The principal
watches this. Ronnie's face is forlorn, a far away look in
his eyes. Deborah, Dan and Bob all look at Ronnie, and then
at each other and Mr. Murdough then back to Ronnie who has
found several dead flies by the window. He is gathering them
together in his hand.
Terry and the Detective go along a filthy city street; walking.
People going by wear a glazed, dazed, totally spaced out look.
Things have gotten bad here . . . I
can tell you . . . these people are
in bad shape.
In a pastry shop across the street two shop owners stand behind
the counter. A man stands in the middle of the square store
and looks at the pastries.
Well I guess I'll get some of them . . .
The clerk is about to get the pastry for the man.
MAN (cont'd.)
No. . . I changed my mind. I'll take
some of them.
The clerk moves to the new pastry.
MAN (cont'd.)
No . . . I'll get some of them.
The clerk moves again. The man looks up at the ceiling.
MAN (cont'd.)
How much ya want for the light up there?
Terry and the Detective continue walking toward the diner.
The Detective stops to look at a man balancing on one hand and
one foot.
Hey let's go in the diner . . . get
something to eat . . . Hey!! . . . (sees
the Detective looking at the man balanc-
ing). That's the guy I was telling
you about . . . (goes to the man balanc-
ing) He (referring to Detective) can
stand on one foot!
At this the man, incapable of receiving such shattering informa-
tion, cries out in agony.
TERRY (cont'd.)
(to Detective)
Come on!
They enter the diner and sit at the counter. The place is fairly
full; mostly vacant eyes low class people eating dull looking
food. The counter has now become crowded as more people come
in to the diner. It is steamy and hot inside. The grill is
sizzling. The coffee machine is steaming. The man next to
the Detective on his left is having a large bowl of soup.
(to waitress)
Gimme some bacon and eggs will ya and
a cuppa coffee. (turning now to Detective
- smiles slyly) Do you know the symbolic
meaning of an egg?
Terry . . . (He frowns at Terry but
the waitress is waiting). Cheese sandwich
and a cuppa coffee.
Coffees are brought immediately. As he drinks his coffee the
Detective watches the people eating . . . he watches the food
being prepared. Everything here, at least, seems to be fairly
normal. Terry's bacon and eggs arrive and he begins eating
hungrrily. The knitters have followed the Detective and Terry
to the diner. They and some of their friends stand around
outside talking about the Detective. "If only I was younger"
. . . laugh . . . laugh . . . "and he can stand on one foot!"
Inside the diner the Detective watches the man to his left slurp-
ing his hot soup. Now the Detective's sandwich is being pre-
pared. He sees the cheese being placed on the white bread and
mayonnaise being spread on the top piece of bread. The sandwich
is put together and sliced in half with a big kitchen knife.
On a plate it goes and the waitress sets it down in front of
the Detective. He picks up one half and takes a big bite.
He chews.
How's the sandwich?
Pretty good.
Yeah . . . you like that cheese huh?
Cheese is made from milk.
Outside on the street suddenly people are running and
acting crazy . . . Slobbering, unable to stand, spinning,
falling, walking into posts or walls, dogs whimper and press
themselves to the pavement. The knitters begin to walk back-
wards. A massive black truck with an enormous antennae is round-
ing the corner. The antennae issues forth tremendous electrical
sparks and there is a loud humming and buzzing in the air.
People are getting very confused.
Inside the Diner.
AOH OH . . . hold on buddy . . . Here
comes the truck I was teelinguablaotingki
The electricity gets very loud. Suddenly the diner goes crazy.
The man to the left of the Detective immediately puts his elbows
in his soup. The Detective is suddenly off his stool with his
chin pressed into the center of his cheese sandwich on the
counter. Terry's hand wants to go down Terry's throat and Terry's
teeth want to bite his hand. The waitress must be standing
on her head because only her legs and feet rise up above the
counter. Each person in the diner is having his own personal
seizure from bloody noses to head pounding to tongue swallowing
The Detective's eyes are rolling and his chin is flattening
his cheese sandwich to the thickness of fine paper.
The door to the diner flies open and in comes a large fat man
with a wild smiling face. His eyes bug out with each smile.
In his arms he holds a box of powdered sugar donuts. In his
hand is a nice donut, which he eats all at once. As he chews
he happen, surveys the pandemonium.
Behind him a large gang of black coated men pour crazily into
the diner. They begin zapping people with electricity!!!
The Donut Man goes over to the Detective and leans down--looking
him in the eyes. The Detective tries to focus on the Donut
The Donut Man holds up a donut right in front of the Detective's
Life is a donut . . .
The Donut Man laughs uproariously.
Outside in the streets there are fires burning and electrical
sparks in the air. Men, women and children and animals are
running wild. Some are on fire.
Inside the diner a black coated man wades through a pile of
bodies and stands in front of the man eating the soup. The
black coat zaps the soup man and the soup man's arm flies back,
hitting the Detective in the eye.
The Black coat moves quickly to zap some more people. The Detec-
tive's eye is watering and puffing up, but he sees a strange
sight across the diner. Someone yells at the donut man that
the donut man's shoes are untied. The donut man does not have
a "normal" reaction to this. He screams bloody murder and runs
wildly out of the diner. Just then a black coat turns and zaps
the Detective right in the head with an electrical cattle prod
gun. The Detective flips off his chair and lands next to Terry
on the floor. The black coats leave as quickly as arrived.
Did you see how dark it got? Do you
understand . . . Light and dark . . .
Light and dark?
TERRY !! . . . (struggles to sit up)
. . . I almost bought it . . . I almost
lost consciousness.
Yeah a lotta them did here . . . look.
They look around and see many dead people around the diner.
When that guy's arm hit me it hurt so
much . . . It made me able to concentrate
otherwise. When I got zapped I woulda
checked out.
Hey wait a minute . . . same with me,
only it was my sore that was killin'
me. You're a pretty smart fella . . .
this sore hurt like hell all the time
. . . do you think its helpin me, by
Yeah . . . Terry! We gotta make some
rigs to keep us in pain . . . you know
. . . not always . . . but when we need
it. Understand?
Yeah! . . . that's a hellova idea . . .
Terry has found several things and he's showing them to the
Look at these pin cushions I got from
the knitters upstairs . . . stick the
pins all the way through . . . Yeah . .
. now stick it under your collar on
the side or back of your neck.
Terry places the wad of pins inside the Detective's collar against
his neck.
OWWWW . . . that hurts! Man is that
painful!! . . . (tears from his eyes
from the pain)
I'll get us some knitting needles too
Terry and the Detective are cautiously walking down a sidewalk.
Now we're gettin' back in there. Don't
look now but that's Ronald's parents'
house . . .
It is??
Yeah . . . we gotta start here . . . a
lot of things begin to go wrong at home
with the parents if you understand what
I'm talkin about . . .
Yeah . . . but this is all memories?
You'd play hell to tell the difference
. . . oh oh!
Bill, the other man on the train with Terry is seen walking
toward them on the other side of the street. Terry pulls the
Detective with him behind a tree.
TERRY (cont'd).
It's Bill . . . go ahead into Ronald's
parents' house . . . get going . . . .
Bill would kill me if he saw me go in
there. Go quick before he sees us!
I'll find you, don't worry! Hurry!
Don't leave the house!
The Detective hurries up the walkway to Ronald's parents' house
and rings the bell. He looks around. Bill has seen him. Bill
stands across the street grinning an evil grin at the Detective.
The door is answered.
Hello . . . I've come to speak to you
about . . . Are you the parents of
Ronald De Arte'? Yes? I've come to
speak to you about Ronald . . . Are
you available for speaking?
The father is whittling a piece of wood.
Come in . . . we've changed the house
. . . did you know it before?
No . . .
It now is the way it is . . . Sit down.
You haven't been in touch with Ronald
for a long time.
We've been here all along.
Yes, but there's been no correspondence?
No . . . He couldn't seem to stay out
of trouble . . . It became difficult
for us . . . his parents . . . and family
who loved him so much.
I think he's in a great deal of trouble
He always was . . . A great deal of
trouble . . . (She has difficulty breath-
ing . . .)
You are fond memories of his . . . I'm
sure . . .
Oh yes? How does he remember me like
this? (he makes a strange smiling face)
And me like this? (she makes the same
strange smiling face).
They laugh with each other.
I'm sure he's in trouble . . . we haven't
heard from him in ages . . .
I'm sorry, did we offer you some coffee?
Suddenly the Detective sees some electrical sparks shoot out
of a socket . . . It is instantly later and coffee is being
Some sweets?
Thank you . . . (he takes some chocolate)
So. . . . you are a detective?
Yes I am.
Suddenly the father has frozen with paralyzed nerves and fallen
head first into the rug. He remains with his bottom up in the
air still resting on the chair while his forehead carries the
weight of his body pressed against the rug. Paralyzed.
Oh, he's gone off again. Give me a
hand would you?
Surely . . .
Daddy . . . Daddy, it's all right. It's
all right.
Yes . . . my God . . . Gone off again.
Yes you did Daddy . . . It's the excite-
ment . . . take a drink of your coffee
let me pat your forehead . . . is
that better . . . let me rub your neck
there and there . . . is that better
. . . do you like that.
(extremely irritated with the mother)
OK, OK, that's enough . . .
(very defensive suddenly)
Oh, I'm sorry.
(trying to stop the inevitable fight)
No, No thank you. It's better
now . . .
(still at him)
Oh, so, I did do something good, huh
. . . Did I?
Yes. Sure, you did.
Yes . . . I saw how much you enjoyed
Now in comes the daughter, Celia.
Who's this?
This is a detective . . . I suppose
looking into Ronald's life . . . What
led him to ruin . . . such a sweet
lad. . .
(to detective)
You can just come in to homes and lives
and all like that?
Yes . . . I guess so.
(to detective)
I've lost my job . . .
He hasn't been able to discuss it with
anyone, have you?
(very angry at her)
No I haven't . . . I'm speaking to him!!
I just meant it's nice that you can
talk about it now, isn't it?
(to detective)
Everything's gone to hell.
(to detective)
You like music?
Some music . . .
You wanta listen to records? I have
a record player in my room.
What's wrong with the victrola right
here young lady?
Oh, let her show him her room . . .
It's nice to have someone drop by, isn't
it sweet?
What the hell's wrong with this victrola
right here?
Come up . . . they don't like my records
She takes the Detective to the stairs and starts up. The father
follows and grabs the Detective by the wrist.
(under his breath)
To her room heh? For records? Give
it a rest . . .
Just what in the hell is wrong with
that Victrola right there . . .
He's coming up to my room to listen
to records . . .
Honey, let them go . . . I think it's
nice . . .
See Dad?
(under breath again)
I see . . . I see . . . (close to Detec-
tive's ear). What did you walk into
heh? (he squeezes the Detective's wrist
really hard) (now he speaks loudly)
Why don't you just get the hell out!!
Mom . . . I wanta talk to you about
OK!!! Go on up . . . listen to that
puke . . . that's what it is too, all
of it . . . It's all junk now . . . ruined
. . . forever!!!! You call that music!
It's pitiful!!!
The sister brings the Detective into her room and shuts the
door. She goes to the phonograph and starts a swing record.
Organ playing - very faint, very scratchy. She starts to sway
with the music--her head, her shoulders. She looks to the
Detective. He is swinging, too. She stands up and bares her
breasts to the Detective.
They hurt so touch them easy.
The father is mounting the stairs. He comes down the hall and
listens at his daughter's door.
Inside the Detective is kissing Celia who has now removed her
(yelling through the door)
You call that music?
Oh shut up - (she scratches the needle
across the record - the music stops
. . .) Just shut up.
Ronnie used to sing . . . He really
did . . . He knew a damn good song . . .
Come out and mother and I will sing
it to you.
Celia is reaching for and opening a jar of medicated salve or
ointment. She opens the jar and indicates to the Detective
to get some ointment and rub it on her breasts. The lid makes
some noise as she turns it closed on the jar. The father hears
(now screaming)
Is that your ointment!! Is it? Stop
it!! Stop it!! Is it? I heard it.
I'll sing the song! (as her breasts
are being rubbed and her eyes close
in ecstasy . . .she sings a beautiful
love song . . . very pure, very beauti-
Stop it . . . You're not going to sing
his song in there with him!!
The mother climbs the stairs.
Is that Ronald's song I hear? Is it?
Yes! . . . He begins pounding violently
on the door--frantically.
FATHER (cont'd)
Come out of there.
Come out of there . . . I mean it
. I'll call the police! I'm going to
get them now . . . they'll be here any
The father rushes downstairs . . . past the mother who stands,
(to detective)
He won't call them . . he's all talk
. . . come closer to me . . . touch me
(as he does) don't do it that way! (he
changes ways) OK . . . that's better
. . . I have to move a little because
I can't stand still like you do . . . (she
starts swaying quite quickly back and
forth) Can't you kiss me? . . . yes
there . . . wait! Don't push in
like that though . . .
The Detective tries once more to kiss Celia but she stops him
Can I lean a little bit? I have an ear
ache and I can't put my head back like
that . . . It hurts . . . hold my waist
so I can lean over OK? . . .
The Detective is now holding her up as she is leaning way over
to her right, her long hair almost touching the floor.
CELIA (cont'd.)
Let me lean over more . . . Now you can
feel me . . . don't let go with that
hand . . . use the other one.
He starts feeling her breasts with his right hand, while he holds
her up with his left.
CELIA (cont'd.)
. . . a little bit less . . . they hurt
. . . I told you that!! . . . I have
to move my feet . . . move your feet
over some, OK? . . . yeah.
There are noises of steps outside the door. Several people.
CELIA (cont'd.)
Do you like police?
The Detective turns frantically to look at the door.
Well . . . maybe not right now.
CELIA (smiling)
DETECTIVE (nervous)
No . . . not so much right now . . . Is
there another way out of here.
CELIA (as she stands up)
Go upstairs . . . through the door.
Ask the nurse to let you out the back.
The nurse?
My grandfather's up there . . . he's
real sick--hurry up.
There is loud banging on the door.
FATHER (yelling through the door)
Open up . . . I have the police!!
Come on Dad . . . we're not doing any-
She hurries the Detective up the back stairs. As he climbs the
stairs he can still hear the father yelling and Celia yelling
Send them away or I'll tell them what
you do to me . . . I will!
The Detective enters a small room. A nurse stands next to a
bed where an old man lies. The nurse turns and studies the Detec-
She said you'd let me out the back door.
NURSE (very calmly)
You'll have to get a saw and some lumber
and make one then because there sure
isn't a back door up here.
DETECTIVE (looking around frantically)
Oh yeah?
I'm awfully sick . . . Did you know
that? . . . and then guess what?
What's that?
OLD MAN (starting to cry)
Someone must have snuck in here last
night and glued my arms to the bed . .
. the bastards . . . Can't move em'
now . . . stuck down . . .
NURSE (whispering to Detective)
He's paralyzed . . . What about it?
He won't care . . . and what can he do
if he does? Do you want to kiss me? .
. . real hot?
I gotta get out of this house . . .
Look at this . . .
She shows the Detective one of her breasts.
DETECTIVE (as he studies it)
. . . but . . . I really have to go . . .
All right then . . .
She puts her breast away.
Hey . . . let me see . . . let me see
. . . Oh my God!
The Detective crawls out the window and looks around. He sees
another building within jumping distance. He hurries across
the roof and leaps to a small balcony of the neighboring build-
ing. He crosses the balcony and goes through a very dark room
to an interior hallway, high in the old building. Suddenly a
policeman appears climbing a staircase. The policeman grabs
the Detective and pulls him along the corridor.
Almost!! . . . you almost got away . . .
but how would he like to remember this?
The policeman shoves the Detective's head into a room where a
small boy is hit in the back of the head with a rock.
Or this?
He shoves the Detective into another room where a bird with a
broken neck is doing backward sommersaults.
Or this?
He shows the Detective the next room. In it he sees a stairway
as if coming down from above. Slowly someone is descending the
stairs but all he sees are the feet . . . coming down--closer
. . . frightenly close.
Or this
He shows the Detective the next room. In it the Detective can
see the shape of a woman. He looks closer. He sees two breasts
as screams are heard echoing horribly in the distance.
Suddenly there is a spark shooting out of a wall socket in the
corridor. The Detective notices then looks up. The policeman
is gone. Then, above the Detective hears a loud screeching sound
as the light is drained from the overhead bulb. The Detective
moves slowly to the end of the corridor and starts climbing some
He climbs higher and higher. Each flight of stairs looks the
same. Finally, he stops to rest. Just as he does, he hears
something. A moaning distant wind. Then suddenly some music,
"Reminds me of you." A door opens above and a beautiful girl
appears. The Detective cautiously goes to her.
Hello . . .
Hello . . .
Who are you?
I'm . . . a Detective . . . Who are
Don't you know?
No . . .
I'm . . . well . . . I'm Diana.
You are? You're beautiful . . .
Do you think so?
Yes . . .
We're all going to the club tonight.
Yes? What club is that?
It's called the Circle Club. I'm putting
on my make-up.
Oh yeah?
Do you want to come in?
Yes . . . sure . . . if it's all right.
Come in.
She takes the Detective inside. He sits in an easy chair while
she sits at her make-up table and starts getting ready to go
Suddenly the wall begins to shake very quietly . . . It begins
to strain, the light on Diana's make-up table strains and dims
. . . the light explodes as two sections of the wall blow out
. . . electric wires bend into the room and begin to jump and
flip like hissing snakes shooting out electrical sparks. The
room darkens to a haunting feeling, Diana rubs a long line of
lipstick up her face-up her nose, eye, forehead and into her
hair before she flips backwards out of her chair onto the floor
next to the Detective's chair. The Detective is pushing a pin
cushion into his neck and blood is forming in little dots. Both
their eyes are wild. The Detective strains and pushes a knitting
needle into Diana's leg. Her eyes focus on she reaches out for
him. The electrical violence reaches a fever pitch then begins
to subside. The ceiling light glows a bit brighter. Diana and
the Detective slowly come out of their fits and find they are
looking into each others eyes. As she looks dreamily at the
You put a knitting needle into my leg.
But why?
So you wouldn't lose consciousness.
If I hadn't you . . . you would have
I felt it save me . . . may I touch your
Yes. . . .
May I touch your lips?
With my lips?
They kiss.
I want to be with you always . . .
And I want to always be with you . . .
It's a dream . . . Yes . . . is it?
It must be.
When I kissed you I saw fire . . . (we
now see what he talks about--a wall of
fire) and I saw that three of my fingers
were on fire . . . (we see three burning
fingers) and I saw three explosions of
light in the sky and streamers falling
down (we see this) and I saw three people
who couldn't walk (we see them)
You did?
Suddenly a friendly large woman, THE AUNT, enters hurriedly.
Aren't you coming Diana? Oh my dear
you look a dreadful sight . . . whatever
I would like you to meet my friend . .
. he's a Detective . . . He saved my
life . . .
Oh my Lord. Are you two all right?
Thank heavens. Oh . . . he's a handsome
one . . .
Yes he is . . . this is my aunt . . .
didn't anything happen in other parts
of the house?
No dear . . . the lights dimmed . . . we all had a jump . . .
nothing more. Is that a knitting needle in your leg darling?
Yes it is. It save my life.
Oh it did? Oh my. Thank heavens . . .
hurry along, we're late for the club.
Your pretty face is quite a mess honey
. . . really it is. (she leaves)
DIANA (with her very messy face,
she turns to the Detective)
Would you take me to the dance tonight?
Yes . . . absolutely yes . . .
Do you think it's safe?
I have a feeling we can do anything .
. . as long as we're together.
Outside Bill is standing in some bushes looking up at Diana's
The Detective and Diana walk arm in arm down the sidewalk along
with Diana's uncles and aunts and friends--a group of at least
fifteen very dashingly and beautifully dressed people. They
arrive at a striking entrance to the "circle club." It is a
gigantic white neon circle glowing against the black night sky.
Underneath it is a smaller glowing circle and passing through
it one enters the "circle club." The Detective and Diana look
up at the big circle. The Detective is struck by the power of
the image and tries to figure something out inside his head.
He shrugs off the thoughts and happily enters the club with all
the others.
Inside the night club, which is very elegant in a 30's sort of
way, a maitre 'd seats the large party at a big round table near
the center of the vast room. The place is crowded with fancy
People. The Detective and Diana are so in love. "I think we've
discovered a pair of love birds, don't you?" someone says. "I
think they make a darling couple." "It's a perfect match."
This is a cozy setting. Bob, Dan, Deborah and Ronnie are all
sitting happily together in Deborah's livingroom.
Ronnie you are such a love . . . and
how hard you study on your homework?
Ronnie's page, however, is blank except for tiny scribbles of
the symbols he showed the Detective in the hospital. We move
into a CU of Ronnie.
I'm wild about love.
Me Too.
How can life be so dreamy?
I know.
Drinks are served--large bottles of champagne. All sorts of
little hors d'oeuvres are brought out. The party is getting
happier and happier. An old gentleman proposes a toast.
to love
Everyone "to love." They drink. The Detective asks Diana if
she would like to dance. The music is by a large orchestra play-
ing a 30's style waltz. Very beautiful. The Detective and the
girl hold each other tightly as they sway to the music.
A large group of people enter the Club. They are all smiling
as they look around at all the other happy smiling people.
MAN IN CROWD (smiling)
Gee this is a happy place!!
As they dance the Detective notices that the light coming from
one of the table lamps is decreasing in intensity. He holds
Diana tighter. He tries not to think about it but it worries
At the table the old Gentleman who gave the toast is reminiscing.
A few people are half listening to him as they watch the dancing.
OLD GENTLEMEN (smiling in his reverie)
I had a girl like her once . . . I was
in love . . . her lips were red like
this one's are . . . her eyes were bright
I wanted to touch her and kiss her all
the time. My love was so intense!!
No one could love that way . . . so
The Detective looks over to the bad lamp. It is now flickering
and getting darker. He hears the light being sucked out of it.
It goes out. The Detective looks quickly around. All the other
lights are still going.
Back at the table the talk of the old gentleman changes.
However . . . in this world love like
that doesn't last . . . it withers like
the vine . . . it vanishes like the snow
It drys up like the leaves . . . it
changes . . .
The Detective notices another light flickering . . . and another.
A low ominous wind comes now along with the beautiful music.
The old Gentleman is now getting a bit upset with his memory
of love. There is some growing anger and tension at the table.
. . . The love almost rots . . . it
becomes rancid, sour, foul smelling .
. . it putriefies the atmosphere . . .
It degenerates into loathing . . . I
hated that girl . . . let me tell you
she was a whore of the first order . . .
a filthy whore . . . unclean
The Detective sees six more small lights flickering. They screech
as they go out. Others begin to notice. There's a growing
uneasiness in the room.
At the table the old gentleman is enraged with his memory. He
is almost foaming at the mouth with hatred and anger.
. . . I despised everything she ever
thought or said or did . . . She was
like a plague, festering and bubbling,
coughing up foul horror and sickness,
the kind that makes a man plead to die
. . . just to end the trial, just to
be left alone . . . to be rid of every-
thing . . . longing for unconsciousness.
The Detective is dancing very close with Diana. His eyes are
closed. He opens them and moves to look into her eyes. They
are in love, but there is trouble in this circle club. She sees
him looking about, worrying.
What is it?
I don't know . . . something's wrong
here . . .
He suddenly sees Bill entering.
Oh no . . . Bill! . . . I think something
is definitely wrong . . . I think the
trucks are coming.
Oh no!
Light slowly starts to drain from the big light above the dance
floor. There is a slow screeching, sucking sound with the
decreasing light.
Now the kitchen doors fly open. The cook stands trembling and
All my animals!! Bleeding from the mouth
. . . All my animals . . . going wild!!
My PIG!!
Suddenly a small screaming pig rushes into the club, zig-zagging
all around, crazily. The cook screaming and running after it.
Everyone in the club is now tense, standing, looking around,
worried. The orchestra plays but musicians are missing notes
and not following the score. The Detective and Diana cling to
each other. The bleeding pig races past them.
Oh my!! A pig is loose. Oh my!!
It's bleeding from the mouth! Look at
the blood!!
Out in the street two giant trucks are coming toward the "circle
club." Each truck shooting electrical sparks high into the air.
The sound is deafening.
Inside the club the pig races into another crowd. More screams.
Then a loud gunshot.
MAN #1
I shot a pig!! I shot a pig. Why did
I do that?
The lights are all flickering now, giving the place a strange
nervous feeling. Sucking and screeching sounds getting louder
and more frequent. Musicians playing horribly--erratic--ner-
The cook rushes up to the man who shot his pig.
My God!! . . . You shot my Pig . . .
He tries to kill the pigshooter with his bare hands. People
hold him back.
Suddenly a tall man with a beard, a pipe, and a black and red
checkered lumber jacket pushes his way through the crowd to the
dead pig. With a booming voice he speaks.
I can throw that pig.
Don't throw my pig!
It's dead . . . whatdyou care?
Don't throw it!!
I can throw that pig farther than anyone
can . . . By God I know I can . . .
I'll bet you can't throw that pig clear
across the room!!
Watch me! MOVE BACK!! (calling out
very loud) Watch out . . . I'M GOING
People begin frantically clearing away from the line of flight.
COOK (holding his head between his
Leave it alone!! That was a damn good
pig too . . . now look at it!!
The Lumber Man grabs the pig by the hind legs and like a chain
ball he starts twirling himself and the pig . . . faster and
faster. People scream and move back. The Lumber Man twirls
faster. Everyone is watching him now.
Bill moves closer to the Detective. The Detective has been watch-
ing the pig but has kept an eye on Bill too. Bill is smiling
in an evil way. The Detective holds Diana closer.
Outside the big trucks round the corner. People are screaming -
sparks shoot crazily. Some people burst into flames. Others
bounce or gyrate.
Inside the Lumber Man twirls violently with the pig one more
revolution then with tremendous force releases it. The pig flys
wildly through the air, across the night club and crashes into
the far wall, bounces back with a squeak onto a table crushing
it to the floor. The sounds of the truck are now heard inside
the Club. All begin to go wild.
I KNEW I could! I told you all!
DETECTIVE (to Diana)
Take these . . . here it comes!!
He jabs a knitting needle into each of her legs then he does
the same to himself. He puts a pin cushion inside his collar
and forces the pins into his skin. The big light screeches like
hell then blows all over the room. Other lights pulsate vio-
lently. A horse and two cows, all bleeding heavily from the
mouth come out of the kitchen. The horse whinnies horribly.
Their eyes are wild.
The horrible sound of buzzing, hissing, humming, electricity
is heard. Wall sockets spurt electrical sparks. As the room
gets darker and the people start to get confused. Absurdity
runs rampant. People try to eat their hands or feet. They crawl
on or under the tables. Their tongues get tied and they can't
speak. Some more small table lamps begin to blow out.
"Ill bet you I can spit!" says one man, Out comes his tongue
but no spit. The Lumber Man's pipe starts spewing smoke in huge
clouds. "Let's jump off a table!" yells someone in a rage.
The Donut Man appears on the stage. The Detective is trying
to turn himself in a circle while he is standing on his head.
His girl, Diana, is in a fetal position as if she is trying despe-
rately to propell herself through water. Her tongue is cut and
pressed against her cheek. People are running furiously for
unknown destinations. The orchestra is totally confused and
is playing very abstract sound arrangements. Some musicians
even destroying their instruments in the process. The drummer
is playing very complicated jazz timings and the audience is
beginning to shake and gyrate in robot like movements. The music
becomes more and more abstract sounding like a syncopated barnyard
button factory. All the while it's getting darker and darker.
Then the Black Coats enter. They begin to violently zap people
while the Donut Man stands in front of the orchestra smiling
and eating donuts. His eyes bug out with sadistic happiness.
The black coats try to zap the Detective and Diana but they are
clinging to each other and it is at this point that they realize
that their love is protecting them. They yell at the Black Coats.
You can't hurt us because we love each
other so much.
She's right.
But we can separate you.
They grab Diana and pull her away from the Detective.
BLACK COAT (cont'd.)
(to Detective)
Can you say "separate"?
The Detective watches in horror as they drag her away. She is
screaming desperately.
DETECTIVE (hardly able to talk)
Come back . . .
Their eyes watch each other until Diana disappears in the dark-
ness. SPARKS! All is death . . . bodies barely move. Bill
stands against a far wall staring at the Detective. The orchestra
is almost silent--only the barest most abstract arrangement now--
very low--very strange. Suddenly in this darkness a man enters.
The Detective is so far gone he cannot see him clearly. The man
walks silently through the bodies but, with his back to the Detec-
tive. The man extends his arms toward the far wall. Bolts of
dark electricity issue from his finger tips and shoot into the
dead pig. Now a horrible thing . . . the dead pig comes to life
and stands up like a human. It's hind legs growing longer, the
pigs stands in the darkness, in front of the unknown man and
along with the very low strange music. The pigs says, "Life
is a donut." Then issues a horrifying laugh. The man and the
pig both laugh then. The unknown man moves his hand up and down.
The pig speaks again.
(slowly and strangely)
I know a man who is afraid of dogs.
The donut man laughs. Bill laughs. The Detective watches in
horror, his mind trying, straining to cling to consciousness.
Outside the trucks have just passed. The streets are quiet.
The "circle club" sign is barely lit but it is visible. Terry
runs quickly down the street toward the "circle club."
CU Ronnie. He is sitting in a classroom in high school. The
room is very dirty and drab. Soot clouds go by and smoke stacks
blow out smoke and everything is dingy. The blackboard is filthy
with coal dust and the white chalk looks dark grey. The teacher
is an old man with wild hair and glasses. With a long pointer
in his hand he is pointing to a detailed drawing of a dog with
stars and swirling lines around it as if it may be some constel-
lation in space.
Can anyone show us the equation for the
time involved here?
No one raises his hand. Ronnie is sitting in a desk by the wall.
His acne has gotten even worse and together with his red hair
he is quite a sight. He is still wearing his chest apparatus
and still needs a plug-in every fifteen minutes. The little
warning sound is going and he is just rising to go with his plug
to the wall when the teacher spots him.
TEACHER (cont'd.)
All right, Ronnie, step to the blackboard
and write out the equation. (Ronnie
doesn't move) Step to the board and
write out the equation.
Ronnie goes to the board and stands there. Finally the teacher
goes and puts a piece of chalk in his hand. Ronnie puts his
nose right next to the blackboard and very carefully draws a
very small symbol like the ones in the hospital.
Not again.
Even before Ronnie finishes the second symbol the teacher is
asking for another student.
Can anyone write out the proper equation?
All right . . .
Jane is a very beautiful girl who is stacked. She is dressed
in a tight white sweater and a black tight skirt. She has blonde
bee-hived hair. She goes to the board and begins to write out
her answers. Meanwhile, Ronnie is still working on his symbols.
Some guys and the teacher are looking at Jane's beautiful body.
Suddenly, the bell rings and Ronnie's head flies back violently
and his mouth opens wide. School is over for the day. All the
students leave the room, bumping into Ronnie who is going to
his desk to get his books. On the way out he and the teacher
stare at each other. Ronnie is in sort of a trance, running
low on electricity.
School's out for the day . . . Ronnie!
Ronnie leaves the room. The hall is practically empty. The
clock says 3:30. Ronnie grabs hold of his plug and as he walks
down the hall he looks from side to side for an outlet. There
are none in the hall. He comes to come steps leading down to
the basement and he follows them down--looking for an outlet.
Finding no outlets on the steps, he pushes the basement doors
open and enters a large room where a rock and roll band is setting
up to rehearse. They are getting equipment together and tuning
up as Ronnie enters. The musicians are factory greaser types
dressed in black suits. The band is not big time but they do
have managers. The main manager is a fat man who is mean and
powerful. His name is MR. BARKO, and his associate is MR. GREEN.
Ronnie goes to the opposite end of the room and plugs in, minding
his own business. There are a few other kids in the room waiting
to hear the band play.
(to the band)
You guys are late setting up for
rehearsals again. I'm SICK of this.
We're not going to win any record deal
tomorrow night if you guys don't get
to work. I'll pull my money out quick
. . . I'll break a few arms, too . . . we
don't want to manage a bunch of losers.
(under his breath to Barko)
We may not want to but I think we are.
Hey, Johnny, let's go!
Sorry, Mr. Barko, but we got a lot of
equipment to set up. We're almost ready.
Johnny plugs in some big amplifiers and microphones. All the
equipment has a very foreign look to it. It is equipment that
is very strange looking, the microphones are very large . . . the
amps and speakers and equipment are all jet black and very
strangely designed like a cross between 1920's electrical and
a gloss black Porche speedster. The band is ready and they warm
up by playing about fifteen seconds of very cool music, then
Johnny stops and takes a long cord and finding no other place
to plug it in, goes over to where Ronnie is sitting to use his
outlet. He and Ronnie look at each other as Johnny plugs in
his cord right above Ronnie's. Johnny is carrying his electric
guitar and in order to test the new change he turns his guitar
on and begins to play. SUDDENLY out of Ronnie's mouth comes
a very strange loud musical sound. The sound scares Johnny.
Ronnie then lets out another strange sound, a musical scream
and one of the band's speakers begins to vibrate and it blows
out. Ronnie begins to make some new strange sounds, sounds he
has never made before and he begins to twitch in a rhythm and
for a short while something begins to happen but Ronnie pulls
his cord out and stops. The entire Band is staring at Ronnie.
Outside Dan and Bob pull up to the high school and wait for
Back inside, Johnny is still staring in disbelief at Ronnie.
What happened? Let's get to work . . .
leave that kid alone. What's going on
Wait a minute . . . we could use this
kid. I've never seen or heard anything
like him. We could use this kid, Mr.
(Thinking, then looking at Mr. Green,
eyebrows go up, then, turning to Ronnie,
squinting at him) What's your name?
Ronnie is silent.
MR. BARKO (cont'd.)
Hey, kid . . . what's your name?
They walk towards him. Ronnie remains silent.
MR. BARKO (cont'd.)
Johnny, take him over and see what he
can do.
Come here kid.
Johnny takes Ronnie over to the rest of the band up on the stage
and puts him in front of a microphone. When everyone is set
he puts Ronnie in. Instantly, he screams but he and the music
cause the scream to be beautiful and then he twitches and moves
in rhythm with the drummer. Ronnie begins to make strange sounds
which work together with the music. Some more students hurry
into the room drawn by the music. The managers hurry into the
room drawn by the music. The managers notice this. The kids
are staring in disbelief at Ronnie. Johnny signs a few lines
and Rcnnie mimicks him in a very strangely cool way. Ronnie
starts to vibrate and he turns around and all the instruments
change together going way up then down. Ronnie looks great in
front of ihe microphone and this rock and roll is totally crazy
and heavy and the students who are witnessing it are spellbound.
The band is really going.
The song ends, the people break into applause. Ronnie is gripping
the microphone. As the applause dies down someone yells out
"What's your name?" The others begin to ask. As the applause
is almost gone, there is a short space of silence coming up into
which Ronnie inserts:
Ronnie Rocket.
People begin to say his name out loud, as they burst into applause
again. Ronnie tries to pull his plug but Johnny has to help
him. When Ronnie finally gets unplugged he starts walking back-
wards in a circle and finally falls down and sort of collapses.
There are a few screams by some girls and lots of murmurings.
Mr. Barko and Mr. Green hold the kids back as they try to get
up close to Ronnie to see if he is all right. Just then, Dan
and Bob enter and look around. They are about to turn and go
when they hear someone mention Ronnie Rocket. They go into the
room. Finally they see him and rush to him.
What happened, Ronnie? (to others around)
What happened to him?
He was playing some music with us and
guess it got him tired or something>
Are you the kid's father or what?
Yeah, come on, Bob, let's get him home.
Dan picks up Ronnie and carries him out of the room.
(to the band)
You guys keep rehearsing, we'll be right
back. (he winks at them)
Get that kid!
Mr. Barko and Mr. Green catch up to Dan, Bob and Ronnie by their
car. The Doctors, Dan and Bob stare at Mr. Barko and Mr. Green.
We're very interested in your boy there.
Why, what did he do?
(he and Dan defensive)
What is it?
(chewing a cigar)
Hey, wait a minute, he didn't do anything
except make great music. Your kid's
got something. We think he could be
big. I mean, your kid's got something.
We want to make a deal, together we can
make more money than you ever dreamed
of. Are you his father?
(looks quickly at Bob)
Yeah, Bob's my partner. What's the deal?
Ronnie is feeling much better and during Mr. Barko's talk, he
has wandered out onto the ground in front of the school. As
the deal is being made, Ronnie wanders around. He looks up to
a window in the school and sees a boy and a girl. They are talk-
ing, then she pushes him, he pushes her. Then we see Mr. Barko
and Mr. Green from a distance talking with Dan and Bob. Then
Ronnie's acne covered face looking up at the window. The boy
and girl come together in a long tender kiss. Ronnie watches
them. Then Ronnie turns and sees Mr. Barko and Mr. Green shaking
hands with Dan and Bob.
Then from a distance we see Ronnie standing alone turning in
a small circle.
Later, at Deborah's apartment. Ronnie is sitting at the dinner
table with Deborah, Dan, and Bob, but he is at the other end
by himself while the others talk.
Yes, and he starts tomorrow night.
There's some contest. we should have
enough money to get all new equipment
and everything.
Was anything wrong with my money7
No, no, Deborah.
What if they find out about you and
Ronnie? You must stop and think. I'll
give you more money if this is what you
need. I never knew you needed more money.
They won't find out. They'll never know
and it's so much money, Deborah. We could
almost build our own hospital or become
famous someday. We could do surgery
everyday. Bob, we could do surgery every
My God!!
Maybe this will mean you'll go away from
Maybe you will be so famous you will
not need me any longer. This can happen.
No, Deborah.
Maybe you will not need my caresses,
someone else's maybe?
No, never.
Maybe you will not need . . .
Deborah breaks down crying. Bob and Dan go to her. They get
on their knees and caress her. Bob kisses her neck and Dan holds
her hand and kisses up her arm passionately. Ronnie sits at
the other end of the table watching.
We'll never leave you, Deborah.
Deborah, Deborah, please stop crying,
stop crying.
(she calms down, Bob and Dan remain
close to her)
You see how I care so much for you two?
I'm crying my heart out. (She clutches
her chest) I'm crying for you to be
famous surgeons . . . two of the most
gifted doctors . . . you should be
famous. I'm crying because this is the
way I believe, that I don't want to have
things change so much. I want things
the way they are forever. I'm so happy
with my Bobby and Dan, and our little
Ronnie. I'm so happy.
Things will still be happy.
Promise me.
I promise.
I promise, too!
Dan, I want you to take my blouse off.
Bob goes and takes Ronnie to the livingroom. Dan removes
Deborah's blouse.
DEBORAH (cont'd.
Thank you, Dan, and now my shoes. And
remember how I believe . . . the night
is long . . . the way I believe is go
slowly. It is very dark . . . and time
is so big.
She begins to rub her breasts in front of Bob while Dan removes
her stockings.
Ronnie is in the livingroom. He is staring off into the ceiling.
He eyes are following some unseen object around and around and
Friday night. Outside the factories blow howling smoke. At
the school dance, the room is crowded. Deborah, Dan and Bob
are in the audience, strange looking teenagers all around. The
high school principal is there and Ronnie's teacher, even the
stern little lady receptionist.
Behind stage the band is almost ready to go. Mr. Barko is off
stage chewing a big cigar. Johnny is setting Ronnie up by the
(to Ronnie)
You okay? . . . (no answer) You're
okay. Just stand there and then when
the curtain, up here (he points) when
it opens, I'll plug you in and we'll,
go. Just do what you do.
Weeeeel go.
That's right, kid. We'll really go.
Johnny looks to the other members of the band to see if they're
ready, the nod that they are. Johnny signals Mr. Barko. Mr.
Barko goes to the Master of Ceremonies.
(to M.C.)
Okay, they're ready now . . . and remember
introduce them as Ronnie Rocket.
All right, fine Mr. Barko.
From behind the curtain Ronnie hears the M.C.
M. C. (cont'd. )
Ladies and gentlemen . . . the last band
to perform tonight in the contest is
now ready. Ladies and gentlemen . . .
As the curtains open there is applause but it soon stops. Ronnie
isn't on the stage and the rest of the band stands embarrassed
in the uncomfortable silence. The curtain closes. Backstage
Mr. Barko is furious. He sees Bob walking Ronnie by the hand
towards him and the stage.
Can I help it if he had to do to the
Hurry up and get him back on that stage!
Ronnie now high steps across the stage. The M.C. can be heard
re-introducing Ronnie Rocket. Johnny turns up all the power
he can. There is a loud hissing sound coming from all the
speakers. The curtain opens just as Ronnie high steps into place
in front of the microphone.
The curtains open very slowly. Ronnie locks himself in front
of the microphone . . . hands gripping it and knees bent . . .
ready to go. Johnny plugs Ronnie in. He begins to vibrate like
crazy. He screams out and the music begins. The music is pound-
ing and powerful. The audience is loving it. Ronnie falls to
one knee and Dan and Bob look at each other with worry in their
eyes. Suddenly, sparks come from Ronnie's mouth and the music
gets wilder. Ronnie shakes violently. Ronnie starts to gag
and the lights go way low. He shakes in rhythm with the drummer.
When Johnny sings, Ronnie tries to mimick him. His eyes bug
but. The kids are watching Ronnie . . . dumbfounded. The ones
that started to dance have stopped and are watching. Ronnie
gags more sparks then whines. The guitar starts to whine, the
organ whines. Ronnie falls to the floor gagging and jerking.
Dan holds Bob back from helping him because he wants to see if
Ronnie can make it through alone. Ronnie starts mimicking
Johnny's echo reverbing rock and roll voice then starts to scream
out. This causes some electrical disturbances. Electricity
seems to go through the air between Ronnie and the instruments.
The sounds jump accordingly. Finally sounds are at a fever pitch
and Johnny decides that he should end the song. Ronnie is gagging
pretty badly and is on the floor. Johnny pulls Ronnie's plug.
Ronnie Rocket!
Just after the music stops and the lights come up, the applause
is thunderous and Ronnie passes out. The curtain closes. Johnny
and Fred (the bass player) pick Ronnie up and carry him back-
stage. Dan and Bob and Deborah are very upset.
(to Bob)
Go get your bag and I'll meet you back-
stage. (to Deborah) Come with me.
I'll go fast. (to himself) as he goes
through the crowd) I'll go fast . . .
I'll go fast.
Dan and Deborah run backstage where things are in somewhat of
a turmoil. Dan spots Mr. Green.
Where's Ronnie?
He's in there.
Mr. Green points to a door marked "Private" down a hallway.
Dan and Deborah hurry to the door and both of them begin knocking
on it. No one answers but they hear moans and sounds within.
The door is locked.
OPEN UP!! OPEN UP!!! (to Deborah)
Go get Mr. Green or Mr. Barko to open
this door.
All right.
She goes hurrying off back down the hall. Bob comes running
in the other way and Deborah points toward Dan. Bob hurries
down to join Dan in front of the locked door. Bob's shoulders
are going way up and down as he breathes heavily.
(out of breath)
What's wrong?
The door's locked. Ronnie's in there.
Deborah went for . . .
Just then the door opens. It's a nurse answering the knock.
I'm Ronnie's father. Where is he?
He and Bob go through the door.
Wait a minute.
You wait a minute.
In the next room they see a doctor with Ronnie. The doctor is
fooling around with Ronnie's appliance and Ronnie is jumping
and sparking and the doctor is getting electrical shocks every
few seconds and yelling out. Dan and Bob move the nurse aside
and rush toward Ronnie. The doctor looks up and suddenly Bob
and Dan freeze just as they were about to enter the room. They
recognize this doctor and he recognizes them.
Pink and platinium . . . what are you
guys doin' here?
(hurrying forward)
It's Ronnie's father.
The doctor gasps as he realizes why Ronnie is the way he is,
he looks aghast at Ronnie then up to Bob and Dan. Then his
astonishment turns to anger.
Ronnie's father, my big butt!! Wait
'till Mr. Barko hears about this!
Bob and Dan look at each other.
You take the nurse . . .
Bob begins chasing the nurse and Dan leaps on the doctor hitting
him hard.
Meanwhile, Deborah has found Mr. Barko talking with the M.C.
Please, Mr. Barko, they won't open the
door. We have to see our Ronnie.
He's with my doctor don't worry.
(turns away again)
Please!!! . . . we must be with him now.
All right. (to M.C.) I'll be right
back . . . if anything breaks in the
meantime I'll be in the office . . . let
me know.
Right, Mr. Barka.
Together Deborah and Mr. Barko go off to the room.
When they open the door and enter, Deborah screams. The nurse
is taped up to a filing cabinet just inside the door. Her eyes
are wild; her mouth is taped shut. Bob is administering drugs,
etc. to Ronnie on the cot in the next room. Dan has the doctor
held in his lap with his belt running-through the doctor's mouth
causing the doctor's head to bend back at a very uncomfortable
angle. The doctor begins to make gurgling sounds when he sees
Mr. Barko. The doctor's eyes are also wild. Deborah covers
her mouth with both her hands.
What the hell is this?
(still pulling the belt)
Mr. Barko, I know we signed the papers
and all that, but we're afraid that this
is just too hard on Ronnie and we're
going to have to back out of our agree-
What was that?
I'm afraid we're going to have to . . .
Just then the door opens and Mr. Green is coming in with the
M.C. and the band . . . all are smiling.
You won!!! Congratulations!
Everyone is yelling then they see this situation then everyone
is quiet.
Thanks, Gary, look . . . could you leave
us alone for a while to discuss this
thing . . . yeah, thanks Gary.
Yeah, sure, Mr. Barko, sure.
Green, you stay. Everyone else OUT!
Everyone but Mr. Green leaves and the door is shut. The nurse
and doctor are moaning crazily.
See, Ronnie just won us the recording
deal. You can't pull out now . . . this
will mean thousands and thousands of
dollars for you.
We don't want to discuss it.
He said it right, no more discussions.
Mr. Green . . .
Mr. Green pulls out a large pistol and points it in Bob and Dan's
MR. BARK0 (cont'd)
Let the doctor loose. Green, undo the
We keep the doctor!!!
(standing and yelling)
We'll keep the doctor!!!
What's this? Green . . . damn it you
guys . . .
Mr. Green walks over and places his pistol right at Dan's head.
Suddenly Dan releases the doctor.
Mr. Barko. Mr. Barko.
Stop it!!!
Shut-up everybody!! (to the doctor)
Now what is it?
I know these two from the institute . . .
they were thrown out (gagging some)
experimenting . . . with terminal cases,
they're perverts . . . they've probably
stolen this Ronnie and built him like
this. They're clumsy butchers and wanted
by the authorities.
No! No!
(smiling as if heaven itself fell
into his lap)
So, the deal is off, is it? We're hurting
your poor little son. Now you guys listen
to me for a while. If you want to stay
out of trouble, and I'm sure you do,
you'll continue along just the way we
discussed. If you're good you'll get
the money we talked about. You will
look after Ronnie and keep him in perfect
health. If there is any trouble, we'll
blow the big whistle. Do you understand?
We understand.
They both give the doctor a dirty look.
Good . . . then all is well again. I
have a very good feeling things will
be going our way from now on . . . Do
you feel it, too?
Dan and Bob realize they're caught.
M.R. BARKO (cont'd)
GREEN! Bring everyone in.
Mr. Green opens the door and the band and the M.C. come in.
Bob helps Ronnie into a sitting position. Ronnie's eyes are
glazed over.
MR. BARKO (cont'd.)
We start rehearsals tomorrow at the record
company. Hall number seven. we're going
to make it . . . we were just discussing
. . . we all have a good feeling about
the whole thing.
Fred, the bass player, realizes that the nurse is still tied
up, he removes the tape from her mouth. A cooing, moaning sigh
escapes through her sore, but full and beautiful lips. The doctor
sees Fred to do this. All eyes go to the doctor as he yells:
Don't you touch her!
And, he rushes to his nurse.
REHEARSAL HALL. Dan and Bob and Deborah look at each other
worried because Ronnie has been talking to himself in the micro-
phone . . . saying frantic little half sentences, word fragments.
Johnny is trying to work on a song and find out new sounds Ronnie
can make or cause the band to make.
(into microphone)
night / ho . . . circle . . . stop . .
. bad circle, Diana.
You guys try different things this time,
we're getting somewhere. I want to use
this guy, use him to our best advantage
. . . right, Mr. Barko?
Get to work, Johnny.
(now whining very high)
Bang/jump/Ronnie Rocket/OW . . .
All right . . . let's go.
The entire band is now wearing black rubber gloves and boots
in order to protect themselves from the electricity. Johnny,
plugs Ronnie in. Ronnie's eyes bug out and he starts to shimmy
across the stage. The drummer, AL, is going with Ronnie. Fred
and Johnny start experimenting. They move levers and walk closer
to Ronnie, stand at different angles to him, etc. Their sounds
starts going up and down or louder or softer. Sometimes, speakers
begin to screech and Ronnie, himself, is twirling, crawling,
jumping, gagging, mimicking Johnny's voice or lying out flat
on the floor, twitching. Electricity is flying all around.
After the rehearsal, Dan and Bob attend to Ronnie. A close up
of Ronnie reveals bad eyes and a dopey look. Also, a small amount
of blood in the ears. They are very concerned for his health.
Bob is checking out Ronnie's electrical device because he is
now waking wide-eyed, then nodding off to sleep in the next
Ronnie? Ronnie?
Ronnie nods off. Bob gives him a shot, and they plug him in.
Mr. Barko comes in the room.
How is he?
Not good . . . we're hurting him bad.
Fix him. I don't want to keep hearing
discouraging news. If you need any medi-
cine, or . . . materials or whatever,
I'll get'em. But keep that kid working.
If he's hurting any more than this, it's
Take care, my friends . . . quit threat-
ening me. I've been very cordial and
nice. . . don't let's get nasty. You'll
never win that game with me. Just get
set to enjoy your fortune your little
rocket is going to bring in.
(stands up, knees bent some)
You know, Barko, I don't like you.
(Yells) How would you like a great big
fat bloody nose?!
Mr. Barko snaps his fingers and Mr. Green comes in. Mr. Barko
points to Bob. Mr. Green starts toward Bob.
Oh yeah?
Bob hauls off and slugs out toward Mr. Green. Mr. Green catches
his hand and crunches it. The bones breaking make a sickening
sound. Bob falls down moaning, holding his hand. Dan flies
toward Mr. Green and shoots a punch into his stomach. It doesn't
do much. Mr. Green then decks Dan. Dan bleeds from the mouth.
Ronnie, Dan and Bob are all hurting and moaning.
Doya want to stop getting money? Do
you want to go to prison? Watch out
. . . next time, Mr. Green won't go
so easy, but there better not be a next
time. See you at the recording studio
at nine tonight.
Green and Barko leave.
Bob's hand is pretty bad and Dan is not feeling too good either.
They stay on the floor. Ronnie is watching them.
Things aren't working out too well.
At the recording studio--Bob's hand is wrapped in gauze and Dan
is black and blue on the upper cheek. Ronnie is in front of
the microphone going up and down on his tip toes speaking small
bits of nonsense in a nervous way.
It hurts too much/it hurts too much/
No/No/you go/all of it/A,B,C,D,E,F,G/
No/Magic Hank . . . break circle break
circle . . . Diane.
The band is ready to go and is waiting, pacing around. Ronnie
continues to babble. Up in the control booth an engineer is
looking at Ronnie. He pushes a button and his voice booms out.
Is this what the kid does?
No, No.
Then shut the kid up for a while, will
(to Dan and Bob)
Hey, shut him up for a while.
Bob and Can go cut and stand with Ronnie by the microphone.
MR. BARKO (cont'd.)
Just keep him quiet for a while.
Dan and Bob hold Ronnie and check over his device and look into
his eyes. Ronnie is shaking.
It's okay, Ronnie, it's okay.
He and Bob are each holding a hand.
bad electricity . . . reverse . . .
Bob and Dan hear this and look at each other.
Bob . . . I think there could be a differ-
ent kind of electricity . . . Do you
think there could be a different kind
of electricity?
I don't think so . . . but maybe.
Isn't that what I just said!!!
All right, when your're ready . . .
Let's go, Johnny.
Everyone moves into position and Dan, Bob and Mr. Barko go and
stand off to the side to watch. The Engineer starts rolling
tape. Johnny plugs in Ronnie and he screams a short scream .
. . shoots some lightening and falls to the ground. A LOUD
Ronnie jerks and says "No."
Another beat.
Then the bass and guitar begin to play and Ronnie begins to
vibrate on the floor. He gags out some sparks and then whines
from real low to real high and gets up only to drop again. Quiet,
a heavy beat. Ronnie howls a weird electrical sound and his
eyes strain, in the control booth, two engineers scramble for
a smoking box which is shooting sparks. The bass begins again,
Ronnie jitters to his feet gets a shock from the microphone.
Makes some series of noises into the microphone and the organ,
guitar and bass and drums start to really go. Johnny's echo
begins to sing and Ronnie begins to mimick. He's really moving
to the beat. They've got him in a great little black suit and
it looks good with-his pompadore red hair wig. After a long
whine at the end, Johnny pulls the plug. Ronnie collapses and
crawls around on the floor.
Up stairs, the engineers have a fire extinguisher out and they're
spraying a whole smoking area of equipment. The room is cloudy
with smoke, and there is an ominous electrical hum going signaling
some sort of malfunction.
That's great . . . the kid blew out
all my equipment.
The engineer starts coughing because of all the smoke.
ENGINEER (cont'd.)
(now over the P.A. system)
I think we got it . . . stand by for
playback . . .
A close up of a huge speaker and horn as the song is played
back. A shiny black spinning record lap dissolves out of the
speakershot and neon flashes "R0NNIE ROCKET". Several rock
and roll shots follow as the song continues, load.
--tiny factory kids bop in front of an old floor radio.
--a strange greaser dances in an alley.
--several bee-hive stacked girls snapping their fingers to the
CU. Detective's eyes very bright
Terry is watching Bill shine an old flashlight into the Detec-
tive's eyes, like a doctor would do.
Look at him Bill . . . He's hard to kill.
Do you see anything?
No . . not yet. Is is stupid or what?
I don't know. . . he's been down on Memory
Lane . . . you know that.
Yeah. He's still conscious. And Hank
was down there too.
He was??
Did this guy say anything?
Yes . . .
Like what?
Like, what's goin on and stuff like that
. . . you know . . . regular stuff.
I'm gonna kill him.
Yeah . . . I know that . . . He's sure
out of it . . . got some sort of real
jolt of electricity I'd say.
You were supposed to stay with him.
Yes sir . . . that is what I tried to
do and this is what I was trying to to.
Terry nervously rises and crosses the room.
Terry, come over here.
What are you going to do?
Come here . . . I'm going to hurt you.
Oh, please don't.
I am though.
Bill crosses the room to Terry.
BILL (continued)
Get on your hands and knees.
What are you going to do?
I'm going to punch you in the head three
times .
TERRY (as Bill hits him)
Oh!! OW!!! AW!!
Now go sit down.
Terry stands up and starts to cross back over by the Detective.
Bill is following but they both stop. The Detective has drawn
his gun and is aiming at them both.
Sit down . . . both of you. As they
sit down Bill's wife Eleane comes in
the room.
Is this the man?
This is him -- he's the Detective from
the outer city. Coming deeper into the
city he's causing himself trouble.
What are you going to do?
I don't know. He's going to be doing
the doing. He's got a pistol there.
DETECTIVE (to Terry)
I thought you said he knows Hank Bartells
(to Everyone). He doesn't know Hank
Bartells any better than I do. He
couldn't get us into the Inner City.
He does!! You know him, don't you Bill
Shut up.
See . . . he doesn't.
Hey . . . big hole in the face . . . 'shut
it or I'll cut your lips off.
Terry leans over and whispers into Bills' ear. As irritated
as Bill always is with Terry he listens anyway.
TERRY (whispering in Bill't ear)
See? . . . he's pretty sharp. Maybe
we should take him into the inner city
and then, you know, he'll be more confused
and all and you can kill him then . . .
I'm gonna get that gun away him and kill
him now . . . What the hell do I need
to take him in the inner city for?
TERRY (still whispering)
Bill . . . he can stand on one foot.
Bill turns, aghast.
You all said no one can go into the inner
city ., . . then you said Bill can cause
he knows Hank Bartells . . . now you
say you won't . . . I can you can't.
You have been in there . . . haven't
you Bill?
BILL (to Detective)
You can stand on one foot?
Show me.
The Detective stands and lifts one foot. He holds the position
long enough to prove his point.
BILL (cont'd., quietly to Terry)
Its hard to kill a man who can stand
on one foot.
Yes . . . It's the inner city then?
If I can get that gun away from him,
I think It'll have to be otherwise he'll
be right back as a memory. And a memory
is just as dangerous in this old world.
Plus I'd like to prove to the son of
a bitch I can get in there.
That's right.
(turning from Terry to the Detective)
How are you getting along in the city,
Mr. Detective? No so good, I'd say.
You don't understand our ways. (Bill
is chain smoking now next to a huge ash-
tray of butts by his chair). You haven't
done anything since you got here. You
haven't solved anything. You have a
few clues maybe, but nothing more. This
what amazes me. You won't succeed.
You can't. You think you're in control
right now. You've got the gun. You
have no control. In a few minutes
"Science world" will be on. The neighbor
boy, Riley, will come over. By the end
of the show, you will be sitting there
but you won't understand any more than
you do now, and I'll have the gun on
No you won't.
There's a knock on the door.
Come on in, Riley!
RILEY comes in and shuts the door. He is dressed in a dirty
white t-shirt and black pants and shoes. He has black, greasy
Hi, Bill.
Come on, Riley, Science World's almost
on . . . you're a little late.
I was workin!
The presence of Riley as so accurately predicted by Bill makes
the Detective nervous. Bill smiles at the Detective
What did I tell ya? (now to Riley) turn
the set on Riley . . . let's see "Science
Riley goes to the set. Eleane sits down on the couch across
the room with two of her children. They are like animals, bounc-
ing on the couch, laughing jeering little laughs and hitting
Eleane in he face over and over. She never does anything to
stop them. They are totally out of control.
Science world comes on with at first some very strange music.
Then we see three men, two of them in white lab coats, the third
in a baggy tweed suit.
The lab coated scientists (#l and #2) are assembling a metal
box with electrical equipment inside. The other man is watching
them. #1 is having trouble putting in a screw on the back panel.
#2 wants to help, but is not because he wants to let his partner
do it alone. The man, on the other hand, thinks he can put the
screw in better himself, so he is trying to get close and do
it, but #2 is pressing very hard against the man to keep him
away from his partner. The man is pressing very hard too, but
it is a stand off, basically . . . every now and again, one inches
the other back, but each is holding his own. Meanwhile, #1 keeps
turning the screw but it keeps getting a bad start and keeps
popping out onto the floor.
The Detective looks over at Bill who is standing up.
Where are you going? Sit down.
Just to the table there for some smokes.
All right . . . but, I'm watching you.
He watches Bill move further away from him into the shadowy dining
room. Terry and Riley give each other nervous 'looks. The Detec-
tive almost catches this. He looks at each of them, then back
up to Bill who is far away now, wearing a big smile and disappear-
ing into the darkness on the far side of the dining room. He
is gone. Riley looks very nervous and so does Terry. Suddenly
from directly behind the Detective chair's Bill pops up. He
knocks the gun from the Detective's hand. It flies to the floor.
Bill gets the Detective in a hammerlock hold.
Terry! Pick up the gun.
As Terry goes for the gun.
DETECTIVE (to Terry)
I thought you were my friend.
Think again.
Terry hands the gun to Bill as Bill comes around to face the
Where's your gun, Bud? Why . . . it's
right here pointin' a bullet right through
your nose . . . and remember . . . behind
that nose is that delicate little sack
of brains. What a mess that is when
it's blowed open . . . so you want to
meet Hank Bartells . . . Is that it?
Yeah . . . I've been telling Terry here
that since I met 'im. I sure do.
Well I knew you were stupid but I didn't
know how stupid till now . . . OK . .
. I'm takin' you in as soon as I get
the go ahead from Hank. I'll talk to
him later . . . until then come here . . .
I gotta nice little room next to mine
where I want you to stay.
The Detective is sitting on a low single bed, the only piece
of furniture in the small room with one window. Bill stands
at the door.
My wife and I are sleeping right outside
your door. Don't try to leave . . . rem-
ember . . . I have the gun.
Bill shuts the door and the Detective is alone. He lays down,
props his head up with the filthy feather pillow and crosses
his feet. Outside the window dust and smoke are blowing silently.
DETECTIVE (to himself)
Why are they going to let me in the inner
city so easily? . . . I think that's
the only place they can kill me.
What a world.
Later the Detective hears the door open slowly and he waits in
fear to see who will enter. It is Eleane, Bill's wife. She
comes into the room in her robe and closes the door behind her.
in the grey half light she moves closer to the Detective. She
opens her robe and shows the Detective her breasts as she moves
her tongue around her lips. The Detective stares at her. Sud-
denly there is a "crack" and she instantly covers herself and
freezes. They realize it was only a floor board or something
but the magic sexual moment has been destroyed. She whimpers.
The boy Riley wants to see you in the
living room. Be very quiet, Bill's a
very light sleeper.
The Detective gets up and Eleane guides him past Bill sleeping,
down a hallway and let's him go alone into the living room while
she stands guard. Riley nods to the Detective. The Detective
looks at Riley curiously. Riley shows the Detective a small
black box.
I made it . . . watch . . .
He plugs the box into a wall socket and turns on the television.
He clips another cord from the black box onto the aerial on top
of the T.V. He starts turning a dial. A hum starts and it gets
lower and lower until on the television they start to see an
image. It is Ronnie. The Detective is amazed. He gets closer
to the set. He looks at Riley. Riley smiles. The Detective
smiles back then they watch Ronnie. He is being attended by
Bob and Dan. Deborah is in the background.
I recognize them.
Doctors . . . I've been watching them.
They're good people, trying to help
Ronald. He's getting too much electricity.
though . . . you gotta hurry . . . I've
been taking readings.
Who knows about this?
You and me . . . you gotta get to Hank
Bartells fast.
Yeah I know . . . I've been trying.
Just then there is a scream. Eleane comes flying into the living-
room and falls face down, all bloody. Riley shuts the image
off instantly. Bill stands smiling but enraged.
BILL (yelling)
UP. (then he speaks to the Detective
and Riley). We're going on a trip . .
. you too Riley my little science friend
it'll be just the little trip you've
always dreamed of.
Terry comes out in a daze. He's still pulling up his pants and
hooking his belt.
BILL (smiling)
The inner city.
Eleane moans in her painful state of unconsciousness.
The Detective and Riley are led through the darkness by Bill
who holds the gun on them. Terry follows. They approach a small
gate house by a huge old corroded chain link fence. Above the
gate there is a dirty neon white circle of light. A crowd of
knitters have gathered and are following the detective. "Isn't
he a honey"? . . . oh I could just eat him up" they say. Bill
is furious with the knitters.
Damn knitters . . . (yelling at them)
Get the hell out of here!
TERRY (to Detective)
See the circle?
Shut up Terry . . . Nobody's talking
to you any more . . .
Watch out around here . . .
Shut up you two . . . Now stop right
there at the gate. (Knitters move in
. . . GET OUT!!!
Bill goes into the gatehouse furious. The Detective watches
him talking to two men in uniform. Riley shares a nervous look
with the Detective. Terry paces and as he paces he paces up
near the Gate house. The Detective watches him curiously. Terry
moves near the window of the gatehouse. He stands looking
inside. The buzz of the neon circle is loud. Now the two guards
are coming out with Bill. The knitters hvae now moved very far
away in the darkness.
. . . this I gotta see . . . Hey which
one of you can stand on one leg? . . .
(the Detective steps forward) . . . You?
Let's see you do it . . . and while you're
at it we heard you could speak as you
do it . . . so do that too.
The Detective raises his foot once again and holds it up with
his hand. As he stands on the one foot he speaks.
The Detective's Motto . . . stay alert
. . . concentrate . . . stay clean.
Far away the knitters all ooh and aah . . . so impressed with
the Detective.
I'll be damned and he's close to
the line too . . .
By the way tell the Detective what
that ole line is.
The Guard points to a point beyond the gate, then to the
Detective, who remains on one foot.
See out there around that rock.
That's about forty feet inside.
That's where the power will hit and
you sure as hell won't be able to stand
on one foot out there. You'll feel
ground dip way down and as you go
in there you'll feel it come over
. . . and the closer you get to
station the worse it gets.
The Detective comes back to a two-legged stand.
Are there people in there? . . .
other than Hank Bartells
Sure there's people . . . they're all
over the place . . . (Riley looks
at the Detective.)
You'll love 'em.
Take 'em in Bill . . .
OK-you guys, let's go . . . come on
let's show this Detective what he's
missing . . . come on . . . Go
He makes the Detective and Riley go first and hurries to
follow. In the distance the knitters all call "care-
So long!
He and the other guard laugh.
It's been good to know ya.
The darkness seems to swallow them up as they go through the
gate. They are getting closer and closer to the rock and the
forty foot mark. The Detective looks back but the guard house
is so dark he can barely see it and it seems at least a hundred
feet away. Now he looks at Bill and Terry. Bill is smiling
such an evil smile. Terry is looking nervously about. Riley
is now looking at him and nodding at the marker rock which they
just passed. The ground begins sloping rapidly downwards. The
Detective looks out ahead. Darkness. old pipes. Oily black
ground. Old wires. An electrical hum is heard slightly. Then
suddenly the hum is thunderous. The buzzing is deafening. They
all (except Bill) begin to walk funny. They have trouble keeping
their balance. Now the Detective looks back. The gatehouse
is gone. Bill is laughing but the other sounds drown it out.
The Detective holds his head. He feels so strangely ill. Riley
is unable to walk correctly. Terry is struggling. The sounds
now begin to decrease but the effect of the electricity remains.
Suddenly Terry yells out.
He leaps on Bill's back, knocking the pistol away. The pistol
flips up, out, and into a small oil sludge pool and it disappears!
Get the gun!! (the voice is very strange)
(smiling up at Terry then quickly
running to find the gun only to realize
that it's sunk beyond retrieving). It's
gone. (strange garbled voice)
Terry is riding Bill around as if he was a horse. He tries to
bring him down but Bill is too strong.
We got to kill him . . . hurry!! Find
something to kill him with quick! I
can't hold him!
Riley and the Detective race and wobble around in the darkness
trying to find some sort of a weapon as Terry rides the screaming
madman Bill around in a wild circle. Finally Riley finds a
piece of iron pipe and yells out then gives it to the Detective.
The Detective weighs it in his hands then goes after Bill. He
swings. He hits Terry in the back.
OWW Not me!!
. . . SORRY.
He swings again and this time hits Bill real hard in the head.
Some blood shoots out but Bill remains VERY strong. Bill screams
out. He tries to kick the Detective. The Detective swings again
and smashes Bill's nose. Blood gushes. He swings again. The
swing misses. Riley finds a rock and waits for a good shot. He
throws and hits Terry square in the head.
Sorry Terry!! . . . sorry!
Riley goes to find another rock. The Detective swings again.
This time the pipe lands on top of Bill s head. There is a loud
cracking sound and more blood but Bill keeps going, even wilder
than before. The Detective hits again and again, striking severe
blows. Terry wrenches Bill's neck this way and that trying to
bring him down. Riley finds a brick and finally finds a shot.
The brick hits Bill in the forehead. He staggers. The Detective
connects four more times with solid blows with the pipe. Bill's
smile and his screams disappear. A dazed wild look takes their
place. He falls to his knees. The Detective raises the pipe
as high as he can and gives Bill the final blow. Bill collapses,
face first into a small mound of sludge. The three of them share
a look of relief as they catch their breath.
Thank God you're on our side Terry.
Did you ever have an doubt, sucker?
You know I did.
Terry smiles, then Riley and the Detective follow. Suddenly
Riley produces from his pocket a black electrical box and several
feet of cord.
(laughing, bouncing up and down)
Look what I smuggled in!
They all laugh happily then. Terry's smile fades as he stands
I don't know why we're laughing . . .
This place is the worst. There's people
here . . . Yeah . . . but watch out .
. . they'll kill you for nothin. A lot
of 'em have warts . . . all sorts of
diseases . . . God . . . (almost cry-
ing) What are we gonna do?
Take it easy Terry . . . Let's just not
to get caught by any of 'em and find
Hank Bartells.
Yeah . . . and then what . . . he's worse
than all of 'em put together. What can
we do?
We won't know that till we find him .
. . then . . . look? We have to try
to save Ronald.
RILEY (looking at his black box)
There's a hell of a lot of bad electricity
around here!
They head out into the darkness.
We're back with Ronnie, moving backstage to a room where Ronnie
is sitting with the rest of the band. Fred gets a big black
electrical box out from under a table and takes it over to the
rest of the guys and Ronnie.
You better not let Dan and Bob see that.
I won't. Hey, Ronnie, look at this.
(Ronnie looks) This is going to give
you more electricity . . . get a BIG
We're gonna give you a big shock tonight!
No, no!
You little zit . . . you're going to
be all over that stage tonight.
They laugh.
AL (cont'd.)
He's gonna need those doctors tonight.
They laugh some more. Ronnie starts to cry, but he doesn't cry
very well, just little sobs.
Hey, we're just havin' fun.
Bob . . . Dan
They'll be here in a minute, don't worry.
Shit . . . what a little worrier.
We'll give him something to really worry
about tonight. (laughs)
Shut up, Fred.
Mr. Barko is backstage looking for Dan and Bob. Dan, Bob and
Deborah are talking together in the back. Mr. Barko approaches
Where have you been? Ronnie was calling
for you . . . you better get in there
and get him ready. Here's your check
for this month. It's much smaller than
usual . . . we had heavy expenses. You
understand that don't you? I'm sure
you do. (Barko starts the walk away).
By the way, we're doing the first two
numbers with Electra tonight, I want
Ronnie in good shape. Come on . . . go
. . .go!
Dan and Bob and Deborah head for Ronnie's room.
We're going to go . . so . . . don't
worry, Barko.
Then it's tonight? All agreed?
They all shake hands together.
My darlings.
EXT. INNER CITY - NIGHT (Note: All inner city scenes will have
distorted walking and talking).
The Detective Terry and Riley all have knitting needles, pin
cushions and various pain devices tied all over them. They all
look like Van Gogh bandaged after he cut off his ear. Still
they walk and talk strangely. When they feel real strange they
pierce themselves with another needle or pin. They are in a
very brutal area of the inner City. They are just now entering
a dark street of row houses. They are creeping along in the
black shadows. In the distance a GIGANTIC BLACK ELECTRIC FACTORY
AIR. The small street lights rattle and pulsate violently.
It is as if a thousand subway trains were just below.
We've got to get off the street. There's
all those black coats out to kill us
. . . we should find a place to stay
inside . . . quick.
All right, let's find a house . . .
let's look inside some . . . find one
that looks good.
They sneak up to the closest window and peer in. Inside, they
see a very dirty fat man in a t-shirt, tying a knot in a big
rose. His face has many warts.
DETECTIVE (cont'd.)
(reacting to the man)
Next house.
You don't get it, do you?
Get what?
Never mind.
What the hell are you mumbling about
now? Tell me.
Nothin' . . . except that things keep
goin' round and round. You got to remem-
ber that . . . round and round . . . round
and round . . . Get it?
What the hell is there to get?
That's why I said never mind. Fresh
face . . . Nevermind is nevermind. How
would you like it if I started yelling
"nevermind" here?
Just shut up.
They creep to another window. Inside is a fairly nice looking
dark-haired woman with just a few warts on her face. Her house
looks dark, except for back in the kitchen area where she is
pouring herself something to drink. They stay crouched down
outside the window--playing it safe.
Oh oh . . . here come some more black
A gang of men in dark overcoats come walking quickly down the
street. They each look with fear as the gang approaches.
Stay down and shut up!
DETECTIVE (suddenly excited)
Shut up!
Terry! Listen! What did you say about
everything being a circle?
Hey, let's have a nice talk about this
No . . . NOW . . .
Well whisper then or you'll be lookin'
for your arms an' legs all up and down
this street, sucker.
DETECTIVE (whispering)
OK OK . . . . tell me again about the
It's like I said . . . we go around and
around . . . like a merry go round . . .
Where it stops NOBODY knows.
I know.
With Hank.
OK maybe--so?
Did you ever look at those symbols Ronnie
gave me? . . . how one of 'em shows
a broken circle? . . . Do you remember
how mad that Donut Man got when his shoes
got untied?
Hey . . . you're not pullin' the symbolic
bit on me are you big fella?
Well maybe you're right . . . these
symbols are important maybe . . . a broken
circle . . . a broken shoelace . . . both
the same . . . life is a donut . . . a
circle . . . the circle club . . . the
circles at the gatehouse.
I think he's right Terry.
OK so how does it help us? . . . wait
a minute bud . . . you want to try out
your theory?
We wait here for a donut man they . . . they
always are tying their shoes . . . you're
right about that . . . and they're gettin
mad . . . but that day someone pointed
the shoelaces out . . . someone yelled
"your shoelaces are untied! . . . So
you yell it out . . . and we'll see what
You gonna do it?
Yeah . . . Yeah . . . OK I'll give it
a try . . .
Detective, Terry and Riley behind bushes watching the street.
Here comes one . . . but look . . . he's
with a whole bunch of black coats.
Yell it now while they're far away.
OK . . . are you guys ready to run.
Ready . . . yeah . . . do it!
There is a pause. They see the donut man stop--look down at
his shoes. Suddenly he screams. Two black coats catch on fire;
then the donut man bursts into flame during his third horrifying
scream. All the other black coats disperse instantly. The street
is quiet. Three burning bodies in the distance.
Terry, Riley and the Detective stare at each other in silence.
W ............. O ..............W
By God!!
Great balls of fire!!
Do you think it'll work on Hank?
I don't know . . . It sure worked on
them though.
It sure did.
But will it work on Hank?
I don't know.
It sure worked on them.
It sure did.
Newspaper headline: Ronnie Rocket Shocks the World!
Newspaper photo of screaming boy. Caption underneath reads:
Newspaper photo of small child on bicycle. His mother stands
next to him with plate of dinner. Caption underneath reads:
He rode a bike steadily for seven days! Cause: ELECTRICITY
FROM RONNIE ROCKET CONCERT. Newspaper photo of group of girls--
hair standing up in the air. Caption underneath reads: IT MAKES
US FEEL FUNNY. Newspaper photo of screaming girl. Caption under-
neath reads: "I CAN TOUCH HIM --- CALL ME "ELECTRA CUTE." News-
paper photo of tap dancing girl --- "Before Ronnie Rocket I didn't
know what tap dancing was!
A stage curtain, bright lights, audience cheers and applause
as the M.C. comes out to introduce the nights show.
The curtain opens. Ronnie is onstage with the band. There is
a long drum roll, then Johnny plugs Ronnie in. He starts vibrat-
ing and sparking. Electra Cute comes tap dancing in from the
side. She tap dances up to Ronnie and touches him and suddenly
she's all aglow. She starts shrieking out a hllgh pitched song.
Her act is that she sings and moves as if she's being electra-
cuted by high voltage. She sings two songs. After the first
song, she dances over to Ronnie to get a new charge from him.
She really gets going. Ronnie gets going, too, but pretty much
ends up banging his head against the floor over and over again
and occasionally shoots out some sparks. Electra Cute gets lots
of applause when she finishes . . . then she leaves. Johnny
helps Ronnie back up to the microphone. He mumbles a few things
and the audience applauds thunderously. Then Ronnie falls over.
Johnny signals to Fred and he pushes one of the levers on the
new black box. There is a loud humming sound and the lights
dim. Ronnie starts flipping. Johnny helps him up again. This
time the band starts right in. Fred gives another jab to the
lever. Ronnie mimicks out one of Johnny's songs. The crowd
is loving every minute of it. Just at the one song ends the
music seques into another tune, the lighting changes and a back
curtain opens. Out come one hundred heavy-duty saxophone players,
rocking together with Ronnie Rocket. Ronnie is flipping and jump-
ing, sparking and smoking and finally moaning bug-eyed on the
floor after his wig blows off sometime during the number. His
bald head with some fat brown hairs, is sweating and when Johnny
Pulls the plug, Ronnie collapses and writhes in a bad fit on
the stage floor. They close the curtains. The audience stamps
and yells for more Ronnie Rocket. Dan and Bob rush out and carry
Ronnie to his room. They give him a shot. Ronnie is in real
bad shape. Deborah sits at his side holding his little hand.
Upon checking the electrical chest device, Bob notices that the
rubber bag is filled with green fluid.
Look at this.
What is it?
Poisons . . . from too much electricity.
Bob lets some of the fluid out and puts it in a small jar and
holds it to the light. The fluid smokes a bit.
It's cloudy, too. Twe've got to get him
back to the lab and put him through the
You're sure right about that Bob.
Mr. Barko comes in.
Fix him quick . . . we've got another
show coming up.
No more tonight he's out cold.
Don't you give me he's out cold, again.
Don't you give me he's out cold. He better
not be-out cold--he better be out on
that stage tonight, and soon!!
Look at him.
Mr. Barko looks down momentarily then up at Dan and Bob.
Dan reaches into his bag and begins pouring out a bottle of clear
liquid onto a large cotton pad. Bob catches on just as Dan jumps
on Mr. Barko. Bob leaps up also and together they administer
the knock-out drug to Mr. Barko. He falls on the floor.
In front of the backstage area a crowd of girls is being held
back. They are screaming for Ronnie. Bob and Dan carry Ronnie
out back to the car with Deborah. They lock the door on Mr. Barko
before leaving. The four of them drive through the night. They
carry Ronnie up to the laboratory and put him in the special
chair after double locking the door. They hook Ronnie up with-
all the wires again and set to work on him. Deborah is helping
by giving moral support.
INNER CITY: The Detective, Terry and Riley are still hiding
behind the bushes.
Here come some more!
Let's not test our luck . . .
We gotta get in off this street . . .
I never seen so many donut men.
They make their way back to the front door of the dark haired
woman's house. They knock on the door. Riley sees through the
window and watches her come across the dark front room. She
opens the door ever so slightly.
Who is it?
We are new here . . . we want to get
off the streets . . . could we come in
just for a little while.
(looking at them)
No, get away . . . no . . . leave.
Those black coats are comin' closer.
Look . . . we're coming in . . . (he
pushes the door open and they go in.
He covers her mouth with his hand).
We mean no harm. Please let us stay
here . . . for just a while, until we
learn where to go from here . . . all
The Woman is still for a while then she nods yes . . . The Detec-
tive releases his hold.
Get away from the windows. Come back
with me.
They go into the kitchen. Terry looking around while she turns
off the overhead light and closes the door. They are alone. She
sits down at the kitchen table.
WOMAN (cont'd.)
Sit down.
They sit at the table with her. The Detective notices a glass
of clear liquid with curdling on top. She sees him looking at
her glass.
WOMAN (cont'd.)
My milk's gone bad . . .
What is that music?
He is referring to some strange roller rink type organ music
coming from the basement.
My daughter is having a party in the
That's nice . . . that's very nice.
Don't go down there.
We won't go . . . don't worry.
The Woman reaches up and scratches one of her warts. It was
irritated. Now that she is scratching it, it is turning red.
The Detective and Terry watch her do this.
Ah . . . look . . . we don't mean to
cause no trouble in this place . . . so
I'm tired. I need sleep.
She's sleepy.
Can we stay for a while longer?
Stay . . . I just have to sleep for a
while. I got bad sick yesterday and
now I feel weak, I need sleep. Just
be quiet so I can sleep now. (She puts
her head on the table and soon falls
See . . . she's got the warts . . . a
lot of 'em have warts. I told you that.
They're having' a party in the basement
. . . that's what that music is . . . she
said don't go down there . . . believe
me, I won't! We're lucky this one's
nice. Letting us stay here. I hope those
people don't come up here.
Quit talking about them.
Hank Bartells got this city closed in
so bad . . . God, I can feel it.
Terry starts to cry.
Come on.
What is it?
Oh, he's crying about things. Come on
. . .
Okay, but . . . okay but . . . okay,
but . . . that music is makin' me feel
funny. I got to get comfortable . . .
my leg is hurtin'. (he hits his leg
several times and digs into it some)
We gotta stay alert around here Terry.
You said it, Riley! You listening Terry?
This is what I'm tryin' to do. I'm trying'.
The woman begins to snore. Riley, Terry and the Detective sit
Ronnie is hooked up to all the old equipment. Bob, Dan and
Deborah are huddled around him.
Will he be all right?
He's so completely filled with poison.
Will he be all right?
Yes . . . he will.
RONNIE (mumbling)
Bad circle . . . reverse . . .
I feel so strange something bad
is going to happen I can feel it
. . .
Something bad.
Meanwhile, downstairs out on the street, a car pulls up to a
screeching halt. Mr. Barko and Mr. Green are in the back seat.
(very mad)
I want all of them down here.
Be right back.
Mr. Green starts up the stairs. He goes around a corner and
up more flights of stairs. The hallways are hard and barren
and Mr. Green's footsteps reverberate through the building.
Whatever happens . . . remember we love
you Ronnie . . . we love you.
. . . Love . . .
Yes . . . we all love each other. We
are a family . . . such a beautiful family
. . .
(She holds them all tightly. Now they can hear Mr. Green's foot-
steps coming closer--they freeze.)
Mr. Green knocks on the laboratory door . . . he knocks again.
He rattles the door and tries to open it. He waits and listens.
inside they remain frozen. Mr. Green goes back downstairs, but
not before noticing that the lights are on. He goes out to the
car and sits down next to Mr. Barko.
They're locked in there . . . the lights
are on . . . they're not answering our
(turns to Green)
Those bastards just killed themselves
. . . Let's go.
Mr. Barko and Mr. Green start up the stairs. Inside the labora-
tory, they hear footsteps again. More of them.
Deborah, get in the closet.
No, I stay with you, where I belong.
Get into the closet . . . There might
be trouble . . . please!!
Deborah goes into the closet . . . Dan pushes a bolt on the door
so she can't come out and get hurt. Just then, Green blows the
door open with a big hand gun. Mr. Barko and Mr. Green step
into the laboratory and face Dan and Bob. Ronnie is still sitting
in his chair in a deep sleep.
(quite loud)
End their lives!
Mr. Green raises his gun.
Bob and Dan start running around the laboratory, trying to get
to a safe place behind the big machinery. Mr. Green fires a
shot. It strikes machinery and some sparks fly. The needles
on some dials move and a humming sound is heard. Ronnie starts,
coming to.
Mr. Green moves and sees Bob. He fires, but misses again. Ronnie
starts to moan.
(fear in his voice)
Get out of here Barko, and leave us alone.
You'll be alone in a minute.
Mr. Green fires again. He hits a bunch of dials and controls.
Needles jump and Ronnie's head goes back. He sits up some and
starts meaning louder. The humming sound continues and other
electrical sounds begin.
(from his hiding_place)
You okay Bob?
(yells backs)
Yeah!! Okay.
Dan picks up an old wrench and throws it at Mr. Green. It misses.
Mr. Green moves slowly up between the machinery. He spots Bob.
He fires just as Bob sees him. Bob is dead . . . a bullet in
the chest.
Bob? You okay . . . Bob?
Mr. Green turns to pursue Dan.
DAN (cont'd.)
Ronnie is screaming now, very loud and the machinery is whinning
and humming.
DAN (cont'd.)
I'm going to get you, Green . . . Bob!!!
Dan comes rushing out suddenly from behind the machines. He
rushes toward Mr. Green. Green fires at him and blows Dan back
but somehow the bullet doesn't kill him. Mr. Green fires again
but his gun is empty. As he reloads,
(trying to get up)
Barko . . . you've wrecked us!! You
wrecked us!! You wrecked us!! BOB!!
Ronnie's still screaming and the machines are loud. As Dan pulls
himself up he comes face to face with the screaming Ronnie.
Mr. Green has reloaded his gun. Mr. Barko smiles. Dan turns
and Mr. Green shoots him in the head.
Mr. Green then goes around pulling out all the plugs. The machi-
nery begins to whine down and finally the machines and Ronnie
are quiet. But . . . there is still a scream and a pounding
on the closet door. Mr. Green fires a shot through the door,
the scream stops and there is a thud.
Deborah is gone, also.
Get the kid and let's get out of here.
You want any of this stuff?
Not I'll get my doctor to look after
him from now on, he doesn't need this
Mr. Green undoes Ronnie from the wires and picks him up. Ronnie
is moaning.
You wrecked us.
Mr. Green carries Ronnie out of the laboratory. Mr. Barko turns
the lights off and follows him. The door slams shut. One small
light remains on. It illuminates Dan's arm and head and Ronnie's
special chair. The image turns into a wall of fire.
Suddenly the door to the basement opens and a young girl sixteen
years old comes into the kitchen. Her face is hideously covered
with warts. Her teeth are broken and brown with bleeding gums.
She eyes the three suspiciously and goes to the refrigerator.
She opens the door. Inside she grabs some filthy piece of food-
stuff out from amongst several decaying black cartons and cans
and foul wrappings. She smiles the bloody broken toothed mouth
at the Detective and goes back into the basement. The Detective
can see the old piece of meat she retrieved from the refrige-
rator. It is covered in a black and white smeared mould. After
she disappears into the basement the three of them hear something
in the livingroom. Voices. Men's voices.
Riley . . . take a look.
Oh my God.
Riley goes to the kitchen door and opens it a crack. In the
livingroom he sees a roomful of black coats. Smiling, milling
around. One is coming toward him to the kitchen.
Black coats.
Now the woman "snaps" awake. She has a hideous murderous grin
on her face. She laughs and their skin crawls.
They fly down the basement stairs. Thunder above. Now they
are in the dark basement, filled with slow dancers. Suddenly
a girl slow dancer turns and comes running at them--arms out-
stretched in front of her. Her mouth open, with blood all over
her face. Slow dancers tearing at them, trying to bite them.
They race into the bathroom and slam the door behind them. Fists
knock loudly now on the other side. The Detective spots a small
window up to street level.
Riley . . . up you go.
Terry and the Detective hoist Riley up to open the window. Sud-
denly the Detective feels a knife at his throat. He turns.
Terry turns--still holding Riley aloft.
A girl named GERSTEIN dressed in a pretty chiffon desk is holding
the knife.
GERSTEIN (to Detective)
Stop . . . where are you going so fast?
We're trying to leave here. Please let
us go.
Turn around . . . slow.
The Detective turns around. He sees Gerstein. She would be
very pretty except her face is covered with warts. He can barely
see it is so dark.
Dance with me.
Please let me leave . . . I have to leave.
Dance with me or I'll stab you and kill
The Detective begins to dance with her. She holds him very close
and puts the blade of the knife right on the skin of his neck.
This is nice.
They dance for a while . . . the Detective can feel the blade
on his neck.
GERSTEIN (cont'd.)
Play with my hair.
The Detective does as she says. He puts his fingers in her hair
and gently rubs her hair and neck.
GERSTEIN (cont'd.)
Now kiss me.
Riley and Terry watch silently, holding VERY still.
The Detective feels her slide her wart covered faced over his
cheek until their lips meet in quite a passionate kiss. The girl
reaches up and pulls her shoulder straps down and pulls her dress
and bra away from her breasts.
Feel me.
There in more knocking at the door. The music is still loud.
GERSTEIN (cont'd.)
Gerstein? . . . it's Steve . . . get
out here, we're going.
In a minute (now to the Detective).
Feel me quick . . . do it . . .
The Detective feels her breasts and her head goes back in ectasy.
GERSTEIN (cont'd.
(coming forward)
Get out the window.
Hey, come on, get out here. (he tries
the door) Come out here!!
Electric sparks shoot through the window, knocking Riley and
Terry down. The Detective looks at his hand. Three of his
fingers are on fire. Flames coming out of the ends of them.
When Gerstein sees this she yells.
I'm coming now!!
She bolts through the door and Terry is able to pull it shut
and lock it again while the Detective stares at his burning
fingers. Riley climbs back to the window and yanks it open.
It's open . . . let's go!!
(referring to fingers)
What is it?
(as the flames go out)
It's a dream . . . Let's get out of
They all scramble out to street level. They run down the deserted
dark, desolate street to hide in a corner factory building.
In a nearby filthy oil field a group of black coats are running
around crazily. They are catching dogs and throwing the dogs
up about 100 feet through the air to the top of a building.
The dogs land and yelp and bark and down below the men laugh
and laugh. They run around and catch another dog and throw it
Damn dogs are everywhere.
Dogs, black coats, donut men - Hank
Bartells . . . Hey we're in trouble.
The Detective's eye is caught by a light on the right side of
the field, high in the night sky. Then another light and
another. The lights flare up and then fall to the ground in
a streamer.
(very excited)
It's happening
What's that?
Come on . . . It's those friends of
Ronald's . . . hurry . . . It's Bob! and
Dan! and Deborah!
It is? Who are they?
They run across the field and in the darkness beyond three figures
emerge coming toward them. They can barely walk the electricity
is so bad. The Detective and Riley reach them first and Terry
wobbles in last. The three stare at the three.
You're Bob and Dan and Deborah.
"Yes" they say.
Everything's on fire . . . this is the
only place that's left.
Things are really comin' apart.
I am a Detective . . . this is Terry
and Riley, my friends we are all
friends of Ronald's but we're the
only friends in this area of the city
. . . You're in the inner city now .
. . that's Hank Bartells electrical power
station right over there.
We were shot.
Yeah but . . . yeah but . . .
Look . . . just don't lose conscious-
ness . . . Terry, you better give 'em
some pins or something.
There's a lot of electricity around here.
You said it.
Where is Ronnie?
Well . . . he's around.
What's that? (referring to Riley's black
It's a deflector I built . . . single
phase . . . cuts through anything . .
. you wanta see it?
Yes . . .
They begin studying the black box and asking Riley questions.
What is happening?
(to Riley)
It looks like everything is reversed
. . . we thought this but . . . say
Bob . . . I think we were right . . .
there's a different kind of electricity.
Snag that line up there and check the
polarities will ya Riley . . . let me
see a reading.
(to Detective)
You better show Bob and Dan those
The Detective gets out the piece of paper with the symbols.
As Riley gives Bob and Dart the reading they asked for they all
study Donald's little drawings.
I must have seen him draw these a hundred
times but never gave it a second thought.
Me neither.
He was trying to tell us something . . .
This is the most unfortunate thing that
parents sometimes do not listen to the
small words of their children.
I think there has to be some strong inter-
ference here.
There is . . . His name is Hank Bartells
. . . he's somewhere here . . . possibly
in that power station.
All my readings indicate he's there . . .
This symbol is a circle and it is followed
by this configuration. We want this
. . . the broken circle . . . so we
need this configuration.
The triangle needs reversing. I've heard
of triangulation and I suppose it too
has contrasting possibilities . . .
You mean . . . You mean . . . Hey . . .
there's a triangulator in there and it's
backwards . . .
Right Bob . . . and the circles are
getting smaller.
Oh . . . can you make it right?
There's one helluva great big problem
here . . . cause the closer anyone gets
to that power station the harder it is
to think . . . There's rumors that a
person forgets his own name in there
. . . (to Detective). Can you still
stand on one leg . . . try it . . . (to
Everyone) try to stand on one leg.
Everyone tries. No one except the Detective can and he is very
He's the only one who has a chance
confronting Hank . . . We'd be useless
up close . . . Is there anyway that
you could make that power reverse from
out here . . .
I don't think so . . . there's a tri-
angular set in there and someone has
to get to it and turn it around 180*.
Mr. Barko's smiling face . . . big cigar as he watches the tail
end of a performance of Ronnie Rocket. The music is pounding
(to Mr. Green)
See, the kid's doing fine.
They continue to watch Ronnie. Ronnie gets weaker and weaker.
MR. BARKO (cont'd.)
(yelling to the band)
Give him more juice!!!
He hand signals "more juice" and Fred pushes gingerly on the
lever. When Ronnie doesn't show much improvement, Fred inches
the lever forward more and more. Ronnie starts sparking and smok-
ing and vibrating on the floor, but luckily, for him, the song
is over. When Johnny unplugs him, Ronnie falls over and lays
Backstage, the doctor and the band are laying Ronnie on the cot.
Ronnie is having a strange fit. His eyes are rolled back and
his back is arched and he's biting his tongue. Mr. Barko is there
watching Ronnie although he's the only one who really isn't aware
of Ronnie's deteriorating condition.
Whatdya mean? Whatdya mean?-
I told you I didn't know how Pink and
Platinum did this. He's dying I'm telling
you!! I can't figure out what they did.
I told you to watch them . . . see what
they did!!!
I'll try to do something for him, but
I don't know how.
Ronnie is convulsing pretty bad.
DOCTOR (cont'd.)
You guys better clear out.
As the band leaves, the Doctor begins to check various areas
of Ronnie. Mr. Barko watches him.
Whatdya think?
I don't know how he works!!! Maybe just
let him rest.
All right, he can rest for a while, maybe
a few days.
Maybe a few weeks.
A few days.
Ronnie is writhing around now and the bag on the chest device
is dripping out green smoking fluid. Ronnie is gasping for more
air and he's sweating.
Yeah Bob?
If we use Riley's box there . . . and
tie into these lines using the negative
of our RZ patterns . . . .
We'll interrupt the power every 15 minutes!!!
This is what I meant!
Bobby!! What does it mean?
It means that if the Detective can get
in there and find that triangulator we
can cut Hank's power by fifty percent
every fifteen minutes. It may mean that
he will be clear enough to think and
act during that time.
TERRY (excited)
I can use that time to try and untie
Hank's shoes . . .
What's that?
Its a long story but, if his shoes are
untied and if he knows it, he might get
real mad and if he does it'll cut his
power even more.
That's good.
All right . . . then Bob, Deborah and
I--along with Riley will try to get this
power interrupted for you . . . Terry
will try to untie Hank's shoes . . . And
you find the triangulator and possibly
confront Hank. When the power lowers
you will reverse the triangular.
And then what?
It'll be a whole new ball game if we
get that far.
Let's go.
We'll get as close as possible to tap
in . . .
The Detective and I will go it alone
from there.
Good luck to you.
Good luck to us all.
One more thing . . . when we go in . .
. we're gonna be loaded with needles
and pins!! We gotta be!! OK?
At night, Ronnie is resting in his cot. He has pillows stacked
up behind him and he's in a sitting position. He's dozing and
then waking, then dozing. The band members are getting dressed
up to go out. They are wearing fancy black suits and fancy
shoes. The room is all smakey from their cigarettes. When Ronnie
wakes, he calls out for Dan and Bob.
Bob? . . . Dan?
The rest of the band pays no attention. They continue to dress.
When they're finished, they begin gathering at the door by
Ronnie's bed. Fred gets an idea and goes' to his bass which is
leaning against the wall, plugs it in, then plugs Ronnie in.
Ronnie is dozing again. Suddenly, Fred turns the controls on
his bass up full and hits it against the wall. Ronnie bolts for-
ward and lets out a horrified painfilled scream. Everyone
laughs. Ronnie starts swallowing in a funny way.
Hey, let's get outta here anyway. I
can't breathe in here.
I can't breathe in here either. Let's
They all file out. They don't say goodbye or anything to
Ronnie. Ronnie is left alone and he has been hurt by Fred's
trick. He's trying to keep from vomiting and he's scared look-
ing . . . he keeps swallowing and holding his throat. Soon,
though, he vomits up a little blood. His eyes tear up and he
(crying softly)
Bob? . . . Dan?
He tries to wipe off the blood from his bed. He leans back con-
tinuing to cry softly alone in the room.
Mr. Barko's face close up. He's speaking on the telephone.
His cigar is going up and down in his mouth. Behind his sweaty
heavy face are venetian blinds.
We've had a little trouble, but he'll
be there . . . don't worry. We're going
to go all out. That little bastard's
going to do the show of his life even
if it kills him. Everyone thinks he's
slacked off? Well, just wait. He'll
be there with bells on. Ronnie Rocket
will be there. You tell 'em. The little
bastard will be there with bells on.
The doctor is in with Ronnie. Ronnie is asleep. The doctor
lifts an eyelid and peers into the eye with a little light.
The doctor then gives Ronnie a shot and then leaves the room.
Ronnie's warning signals goes off and he pulls himself to a
sitting position. He gets his plug and spotting the nearest
outlet begins to crawl over to it. He is just barely there when
four groupie girls sneak into his room. Ronnie turns. They
begin ooohing and ahhing as they circle him. Ronnie lies helpless
by the wall. The girls come in closer. They begin to touch him.
They keep saying his name . . . "RONNIE ROCKET" over and over
again. One of them gets bold enough to kiss him, then the others
yell and giggle out "let me, let me" . . . Pretty soon they are
all pressed in on him kissing him and feeling him, and showing
him their breasts.
Just then the CLEANING LADY comes in to sweep and mop. She spots
the girls all over Ronnie.
Get away from him . . . get on out of
here . . . OUT!! OUT!!
She swings her mop at them and the girls go running out scream-
ing. The screams die off. Ronnie again tries to plug himself
in but the cleaning lady is on him.
. . . now you get back in bed. You
shouldn't ought to be out on the floor,
that's where I'm going to mop. I'll
just set you right back where you belong
in that bed of yours. My little girl
. . .she talks about you . . . yes,
she does . . . she thinks you're somethin'
special. You're just a little red headed
animal, I say . . . she'd like a tuft
of your hair, I'll bet. I'm just going
to get her a tuft of your hair. I'm
just going to
When she pulls at his hair, the wig comes off.
. . . oh my God . . . he's bald. Well,
I'll Just tell my little girl about this
and bring her one of your real hairs.
She plucks out one of the long fat brown hairs. It makes-Ronnie
whine when she pulls it out. She puts the hair in her pocket.
I'll just tell her about you . . . you're
Just a mess. My God, I'm going to get
another one of your hairs for my litle
girl's friend.
She goes and starts plucking out another.
NIGHT - A marquee above the concert hall saying:
and BILL X"
Inside, the audience is loud and gets louder when the M.C. comes
out on stage.
Backstage, Mr. Barko grabs Fred before he gets into position
with his bass.
I want him hot tonight, don't be afraid
to goose him real good. I mean it, I
want him HOT!!
All right, Mr. Barko I will.
He joins the band on stage. The M.C. is just saying "and now
. . . Ronnie Rocket." The curtain opens. The audience screams
when they see Ronnie. Johnny plugs him in. Fred has the lever
set at five. Johnny hits his guitar and Ronnie shoots a scream
spark forty feet into the audience. The band begins to go.
Ronnie twitches to the beat and makes his sounds. When he begins
to falter his eyes-roll back and his head bounces up and down
and he falls down. Fred knows to up the lever to a higher
number. It now goes up to six. Ronnie's face shows pain. We
get closer and closer to his pain-filled face.
The group of six, Bob, Dan, Deborah, Riley, Terry and the Detec-
tive approach Hank Bartells Power Station which looms absolutely
gigantic in front of them. Bloody knitting needles and pins
stick out all over each of them. Surrounding the entrance to
the power station are hundreds of black coats, donut men and
thin sick dogs. The dogs are either gagging horribly or snarling
with teeth sticking out. The closer the group gets the harder
it is for them to walk or talk.
You guys better stop here and tap in-
or you'll never be able to remember what
to do.
Beats me.
Oh oh . . .
The Detective reaches to each of them and jabs the needles in
deeper and harder. He sees their glazed eyes focus once again.
Tap in here you guys.
OK . . .
Dan, Bob, Deborah and Riley start to leave the group but the
black coats drive them back.
Oh no.
Looks like Hank wants us all inside . . .
We shoulda stayed back where we were.
Too late now . . . just keep those needles
killing ya with pain, when we get in
. . . same plan . . . OK?
They enter the power station. Tremendous electrical arcings
and humming sounds. The light is very dim. The groups starts
down a huge metal corridor and with each step the evil power
of Hank Bartells increases. Soon only Terry and the Detective
can walk. The rest of the group is zapped by the black coats
and carried through a small doorway off the corridor. Donut
men appear laughing wildly with huge grins. They follow behind
Terry and the Detective. Soon Terry drops and he's carried off
by the donut men after they zap him with the electrical guns.
Now the corridor is completely empty. The lights are dimming
rapidly. The Detective walks ahead slowly. Fear is building
inside the Detective. He senses a presence at the end of the
corridor. Sweat begins to break out on his forehead. As he
reaches the end a figure slowly emerges. Hank Bartells.
The Detective . . . I've been waiting
for you . . . this is the night Ronald
Well I've been wallingeet ubol.
MAIN CITY: The concert continues.
On the stage. Electra-Cute is tap dancing and singing while
she glows. Her glow begins to diminish so she tap dances over-
to Ronnie, who is holding the microphone and screaming, and gets
another jolt of electricity from him. She lights up very bright
and the power of the jolt causes her to scream also and tap dance
very fast. Ronnie's box, which Fred has, is now up to seven.
INNER CITY. The Detective is facing Hank Bartells. He struggles
to speak but cannot. He turns suddenly and behind him is a
gigantic theater filled to capacity with thousands of men who
look like Hank Bartells. They all wear black rimmed plastic
thick lensed glasses like Hanks. Some carry circle banners.
Behind them on the back wall is a giant symbol of a circle in
white neon light.
Suddenly the Detective is on a stage in front of the vast audience
of Hank look-a-likes. Black coats deposit Riley, Bob, Dan,
Deborah and Terry on the floor of the stage. The audience goes
wild. No one including the Detective can stand up. All writhe
spasmodically on the floor. Dan and Bob try to work with Riley's
black box but all they can really do is drool and slobber on
it. Now Hank Bartells enters the stage. The audience applauds
and cheers until the sound thunders. The Detective digs his
knitting needles in deeper but it does no good. He can barely
focus his eyes. Hank Bartells walks around the Detective.
(loud to audience).
He can stand on one leg. WATCH! (to
Detective). Stand on one leg and I'll
bring the triangulator out to show you.!
The Detective writhes wildly on the floor. He tries desperately
to stand on two legs, let alone one but he can't. The audience
again is wild.
MAIN CITY: The concert continues.
The audience is wild. Ronnie, on the floor, bleeding and scream-
Park turns to his audience of thousands of Hanks.
(to audience)
He is a Detective. He can give the Detec-
tive's motto. LISTEN! (to Detective)
Say the Detective's motto and I will
let you turn the triangular. Here is
the triangulator now.
Suddenly, moving across the stage is small stand on wheels.
On top of the stand sits the triangulator. It is a beautiful
device. Actually it is made up of two triangles forming a dia-
mond shape. At the points at either end two cords come out and
one at each end is plugged into the stand. A big fat cord runs
off behind stage. The triangulator is all that stands in the
way of success now but the evil power of Hank is overwhelming.
(smiling to the Detective)
Can you turn it? (he laughs)
The entire audience laughs hysterically as the Detective struggles
to say the motto.
(to Detective)
Come . . . stand on one leg . . . say
the motto.
The Detective is upside down standing on his head. His legs
bend in a multitude of impossible positions. His arms flip and
twist into knots. He cannot speak. Only garble comes out.
Hank now motions to an orchestra in the pit below the stage.
This orchestra is the same one from the circle club. They begin
to play a strange rhythmic dining music in time with the Detec-
tive garble and physical spasms like a modern dance in hell.
The audience of Hanks laughs hysterically.
(to Detective)
Hank raises his hands and he shoots lightening bolts with a
thunder clap sound which rocks the stage. The back curtains
open revealing a wall of fire two hundred feet high. Inside
the fire thousands of souls scream silently for help. The Detec-
tive tries to focus on this horror. He tries to scream. Across
the stage the fire causes Deborah to flip over onto Bob. Their
lips meet. Bob's eyes focus.
Where are we?
I don't know . . . I thought I was dead
Your kiss . . . your love . . . it saved
me . . . Kiss Dan . . . we have to hurry.
Deborah's flies over and kisses the gyrating Dan.
What? Oh! What? Oh!!! Where's the
Stay right with us Deborah . . . Kiss
Riley . . .
She kisses Riley and he awakes, at least as awake as they are
which isn't much considering Hank's continuing horror power.
Riley fishes the black box out from under his shirt. Bob finds
a section of the fat wire coming off the triangulator and taps
in. Dan, Bob, Deborah, and Riley all cling to each other.
Deborah kisses each of them constantly to keep them conscious.
Dan adjusts the black box for the negative RZ pattern. They
watch the Detective and wait.
MAIN CITY: Concert
On the stage now, Fred is putting the needle up to eight because
there is some movement at eight. Mr. Barko can't stand watching
anymore and comes out on stage--behind the equipment, catches
Fred's attention and Fred gives him the box. Mr. Barko immedia-
tely shoves the levers to the highest at ten. Ronnie starts
vibrating and bleeding and screaming then gets up, but just holds
on to the microphone screaming.
Terry is struggling to focus on the shoes of Hank Bartells
He sees to his horror that not only are Hank's shoes tied but
they are double tied! He crawls about under Hanks nose trying
to untie the laces of at least one of the shoes, Hank laughs
at Terry's antics. He thinks Terry is trying to stop him from
tormenting his friend the Detective.
You are trying to keep me from your friend
here . . . you are a nuisance . . . so,
I will kill you both . . . (then more
strange laughter). Watch the floor.
At this the floor begins to slide steadily toward the wall of
fire and the screaming burning multitudes beyond.
(to Detective)
Hurry! Soon the floor will move you
to the fire where you will die the death.
For you . . . I will make you into a
dog bone and my dogs will feed on you
for 100 years. See yourself as a dog
The Detective looks up. Now the wall of flames becomes trans-
parent--barely perceptible. Behind the flames he now sees him-
self. Gigantic. White. Bone. Parts of him are chewn away.
Forty or fifty small sickening little dogs chew feverishly on
his dog bone body.
MAIN CITY: Concert
Mr. Barko runs the lever down a bit then back up. Ronnie is
still screaming. The music is intense. Ronnie falls over as
Mr. Barko brings the lever down then he goes up when the lever
goes up. ElectraCute is running a little low now and she dances
over to get another shock from Ronnie. Fred looks at the lever
at ten, then at Electra-Cute, but yells at her too late. She
touches Ronnie and the power blows her across the stage and she
turns into a black burnt cinder in a dress. The music seems
to get louder then, and the crowd roars.
The audience is applauding and now stamping their feet. The
fire has returned. It burns even hotter. The souls tormented
crying is now audible. The moving floor has now brought the
Detective and his friends closer to the end of the stage and
their final fall into the sea of fire.
Terry's sore is bleeding profusely where, he is jabbing at it.
The pain intensifies and his eyes focus. His fingers dart out
around Hank's feet--busily untying Hank's shoelaces. Hank takes
delight in stamping on Terry's fingers but the pain it causes
only helps Terry. After one very hard stamp (probably snapping
some delicate finger bones in Terry's hands) the audience laughs
(under his breath)
Thank you Hank . . . between you stamping
and my bleeding sore I am able to do
my work. HA HA!!
Bob, Dan, Deborah and Riley are still clinging to each other.
Any minute now there should be a notice-
able decrease in Hank's power.
It'll only last a second or two . . . the
Detective has to be ready to take advant-
age of it!!
Look . . . Terry has got one lace untied!!!
It's getting hotter my darlings. Will
we be in time!! Remember!!! I love
you boys . . . with all my heart . . .
This is the way I believe--Love is the
most beautiful thing.
The Big Sax Band plays heavy music. Ronnie's head bangs up and
down on the floor, bleeding.
Hank Bartells jumps toward the Detective and now he makes his
head change into the head of a dog. He growls and moans. With
the audience cheering Hank raises his fingers and blows open
the Detective's chest with electric power.
No . . . No!!!
LOOKED IN THE HOSPITAL BASEMENT. Inside the Detective's chest
his heart is pounding. Smoke billows out, the souls in the fire
scream now very loud. The floor is moving the Detective danger-
ously close to the fire. The Detective's eye roll about desper-
ately trying to focus. His lungs are wheezing. His veins and
arteries pounding along with his swollen smoking heart. Sweat
is pouring off his brow. Hank changes back to Hank and smiles
close to the Detective's face. The Detective struggles to turn
away. His eyes focus on something deep within the oncoming fire.
He struggles to see and then it finally becomes clear. He sees
Diana within the fire. She sees him. He screams. He head turns
in anger to Hank Bartells. His eyes roll to Terry. His brain
perceives that Hank's shoelaces are untied. He swings his ever
so heavy head and he sees the black box all tapped in Bob, Dan,
Deborah, and Riley waiting in a huddle for the right time. He
sees the fire looming close. He hears the power of the elect-
ricity the screams of Ronnie. The screams and soundings of the
audience. The swelling sound of the twisted music from the ulti-
mate discordant orchestra. He sees DIANA . . . He sees RONNIE.
Now instantly the power drops. Hank turns--stunned! The Detec-
tive tries to remember what to do. Terry waits. Bob, Dan, Deborah
and Riley wait.
Hank looks down. He sees! As his head comes up the loudest
yell imaginable rushes forth from his mouth. Also fire shoots
out with this yell. The fire burns outward, cutting a swath
through the audience of Hanks (killing many of them) and ending
by blowing a huge hole in the circumference of the giant glowing
circle symbol in the back of the theatre.
The Detective lurches forward and grabs the triangulator. He
grasps it firmly. His friends watch with profound relief as
he turns the triangular perfectly so that all the electricity
in the city is reversed. There is a nice solid "click" as the
new position locks.
There is silence. A pause. Then . . . Hank's head falls off.
Then he collapses. A wind blows all the Hank audience away to
darkness and moaning.
The fire turns to white light. Light radiates. The souls begin
to float.
The orchestra music becomes perfection. The music is beautiful
and powerful.
In a powerful rhythm lights begin to pop on outside destroying
the darkness and destroying the donut men and the black coats.
They burst into flame and become part of the new light.
The Detective (now looking very good and normal), Terry, Bob,
Dan, Deborah and Riley all stand. Smile. Diana floats out of
the light toward the Detective, a happy smile of love.
The city lights up with a golden morning light from a gigantic
new sun.
Ronnie glows white hot on the stage and floats up. The crowd
chants Ronnie Rocket - some yell "he's floating . . . he's . .
. he's . . ."
The Band and all around him disappears in golden white light.
Ronnie floats up golden in space.
The Detective, Terry, Bob, Dan, Deborah, Diana, Riley, all float
and merge inside of Ronnie.
The whole city is golden inside of Ronnie.
Ronnie sings his love song.
Roniiie is a golden egg.
The egg appears in a room now. The room has an ocean for a
floor. In the room many tiny golden eggs float. A small girl
sits on her father's lap. We see the strangely beautiful girl
but the father's back is to us.
Father . . . when will all the new uni-
verses be born?
Soon . . . and when they are I'm going
to get you a great big chocolate to cele-
Oh Father . . . really?
She hugs him. And as they get up to leave . . .
We love with one little golden egg across the room to a blue
lady with four arms who is doing a strange dance on a lilly pad.
One arm stops dancing and reaches out. A finger touches the
one little golden egg. The woman smiles and laughs.
Ronnie Rocket!