David Lynch plotting return to series TV By Phil Kloer, The Atlanta Journal and Constitution, January 12, 1999 Pasadena, Calif. - David Lynch, the filmmaker whose TV series " Twin Peaks" was one of the most talked-about shows ever before it crashed and burned, is developing a new series for ABC called "Mulholland Drive," named after a famous Los Angeles road. The pilot starts shooting next month for a possible date on ABC's fall schedule. "It's vintage David Lynch --- very reminiscent of 'Twin Peaks, ' " said Stu Bloomberg, chairman of ABC Entertainment, speaking to the nation's TV critics here. But he added that Lynch and ABC learned some lessons from the unraveling of "Peaks." "He has it really mapped out," said Bloomberg. "He said, 'There are things if I had to do it over again I'd do differently. I want to correct the mistakes I made with this new show.' " Bloomberg said "Mulholland" will have a large cast, like "Peaks, " and will have some of its characters in show business.
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