The City of Absurdity Lost Highway
a film by David Lynch
The Story in Pictures pg. 2

Renee finds another envelope on the doorstep.

As before, we first see it on the TV, then the videotape fills the frame. This tape shows the front of the house, as before, then shows the INTERIOR of Fred and Renee's house - AT NIGHT.
The eerie DRONING SOUND goes throughout.
The camera glides at a very high angle near the ceilings looking down as it travels along a hallway and turns into their bedroom, where we see Fred and Renee sleeping. The tape image then goes to snow.

Fred and Renee stare at the snowy TV picture. After a few moments of silence, Renee gets up and switches off the set. She is visibly shaken, trembling. She stares fearfully at Fred who seems less disturbed.

Renee: We've got to call the police.
Fred: All right.

Renee: Someone's been in the house... at night... while we were sleeping...
I know because they sent, dropped off a videotape... two
videotapes... to show us... That's right... Yes... it... the second one...
shows us asleep... Someone broke in and taped us while we slept!...
Isn't that enough?... Okay, sure... We will... 442 Hollis... near the observatory...

Fred: So?
Renee: Two detectives are coming out.

The Madisons and Ed and Al watch the second video.

Al: Do you own a video camera?
Renee: No. Fred hates them.

Fred:I like to remember things my own way.
Al: What do you mean by that?
Fred: How I remember them. Not necessarily the way they happened.

Fred's watching Ed and Al with Renee who are outside the house, walking around the property, checking it out.

Al: If anything else happens, you'll call us.

A swinging party is in progress at Andy's house - the man whose face we saw at the Luna Lounge with Renee.

Renee finishes her drink and hands the empty glass to Fred who walks away with it. Andy grabs Renee, and dances with her. They laugh and talk. Renee appears to be a bit intoxicated.

The Mystery Man approaches Fred at a party.
Mystery Man: Weīve met before, havenīt we?
Fred: I donīt think so. Where was it that you think weīve met?
Mystery Man: At your house. Donīt you remember?
Fred: No, no I donīt. Are you sure"
Mystery Man: Of course. As a matter of fact, Iīm there right now.
Fred: What do you mean? Youīre where right now?
Mystery Man: At your house.
Fred: Thatīs fucking crazy man.
Mystery Man: Call me.

Phone Voice of Mystery Man: I told you I was here.
Fred: How did you do that?
Mystery Man: Ask me.
Fred: How did you get into my house?

Phone Voice of Mystery Man: "You invited me. Itīs not my habit to go where Iīm not wanted."
Fred: Who are you?
They laugh (identical laughs, both over the phone and in person)
Phone Voice of Mystery Man: Give me back my phone.
Mystery Man: Itīs been a pleasure talking to you.

Fred: "Andy, who is that guy?"
Andy (looking at the Mystery Man): I don't know his name. He's a friend of Dick Laurent's, I think.
Fred: Dick Laurent?
But Dick Laurent is dead, isn't he? Andy: He is? I didn't think you knew Dick. How do you know he's dead?

Andy and Renee exchange a worried look, which Fred does not notice.

Fred: I don't. I don't know him.
Andy (angrily): Dick can't be dead. Who told you he was dead?

Renee: Honey, who?... Who's dead?

Fred: I told you to stay in the car!
Renee: Why? Why did you make me wait out here?
Fred: I thought there might be somebody inside the house.
Renee: Was there?
Fred: No...of course not.

Fred and Renee are preparing to go to bed. Renee goes into the bathroom off the bedroom. Fred takes another look out into the hallway.

Fred walks down the hallway.

Renee is washing her face...
Renee: Fred? Fred, where are you?

Fred's expression is strained. He is alone. Fred pulls a videotape out of the envelope and inserts it in the VCR, turns it on. He sits on the couch and watches.

BLOOD is splattered over the floor, bed, walls. The camera drifts. THE DEAD BODY OF RENEE lies on the floor at the foot of the bed. She is badly mutilated. Fred is hovering over her on the tape, ON HIS KNEES, A HORRIFIED, UNBELIEVING EXPRESSION ON HIS FACE. On the tape, Fred turns away from Renee - his hands raised, dripping blood - her blood. His movements are almost mechanical, constricted, as he strains strangely upwards seemingly against his will, as if feeling some enormous pressure. He looks directly at the camera, his face a ghastly grimace, contorted, just before the taped image goes to snow.
Fred: Renee!...Renee!

Fred: "I didn't kill her! Tell me I didn't kill her!"

Foreman: We the jury find the defendant guilty of murder in the first degree.
Judge:Fred Madison, the jury having found you guilty of murder in the first degree, it is my order that you be put to death in the electric chair.

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© Mike Hartmann