The City of Absurdity Lynch Events
Conference: Wild at Heart and Weird on Top: the films of David Lynch

a one-day conference at the University of Sheffield

Saturday 13 February, 1999

Programme (provisional)

9.30-10am registration and coffee

10-11.30am Session 1: Envisioning Lynch

Visuality in Lost Highway
Anne Jerslev, University of Copenhagen

"The roses are blue": David Lynch, the Accidental Surrealist
Michael Brett, University College, London

To Loath the Language: Lynch's Shorts Re-evaluated
Ian Banks, University of Reading

11.30-11.45am coffee

11.45-1.15pm Session 2: Post-theory?

The Resistance to Film Theory: On Not Interpreting Lost Highway
Warren Buckland, Liverpool John Moores University

Deconstruction and Psychoanalysis in Wild at Heart
Jamie Clarke, University of Sheffield

Identity in Transit: Lost Highway as a Postmodern Road Movie
Tanja Visosevic and Jane Stadler, Murdoch University, Western Austrailia

1.15-2.15 lunch

2.15-3.45pm Session 3: Alienated Youth and Music

I Was a Teenage Surrealist: Alienated Youth in the Films of David Lynch
Benjamin Halligan,University of Wales, Aberystwyth

"Rockin' Back Inside My Heart": Lynch, Badalamenti, Cruise&emdash;Postmodern Nostalgias
Steve Sweeney-Turner, University of Leeds

"Up in Flames": Love, control, and collaboration in the soundtrack to Wild at Heart
Annette Davison, University of Sheffield

3.45-4pm tea

4-5.30pm Session 4: Gender and Identification

Gender and Daemonic Possessions in David Lynch's Films
Tania Krzywinska, Brunel University

Inside the body bag: Investigating Lynch's Ladies
Brian Jarvis, Loughborough University

"I laughed, I cried": Black Humour in the Films of David Lynch
Mike Docherty, University of Toronto

5.30-6.15pm videotaped interview with David Lynch
(with kind permission of Larry Sider)

conference venue Theatre Workshop, Drama Studio, Shearwood Road (off Glossop Road), Sheffield

For further information please contact:


Lynch Conference
Department of English Literature
University of Sheffield
Sheffield S10 2TN

Call for Papers
Conference web site

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© Mike Hartmann