Cast Francesca Annis: Lady JessicaLeonardo Cimino: The Baron's Doctor Brad Dourif: Piter De Vries José Ferrer: Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV Linda Hunt: Shadout Mapes Freddie Jones: Thufir Hawat Richard Jordan: Duncan Idaho Kyle MacLachlan: Paul Atreides Virginia Madsen: Princess Irulan Silvana Mangano: Reverend Mother Ramallo Everett McGill: Stilgar Kenneth McMillan: Baron Vladimir Harkonnen Jack Nance: Nefud Siân Phillips: Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam Jürgen Prochnow: Duke Leto Atreides Paul Smith : The Beast Rabban Patrick Stewart: Gurney Halleck Sting: Feyd-Rautha Dean Stockwell: Doctor Wellington Yueh Max von Sydow: Doctor Kynes Alicia Witt: Alia Sean Young: Chani Danny Corkill Honorato Magaloni: Otheym Judd Omen: Jamis Molly Wryn: Harah David Lynch: Spice Worker
Crew A Dino De Laurentiis/Universal Production
Produced by Raffaella De Laurentiis
Written by David Lynch Directed by David Lynch
Cinematography by Freddie Francis
Other Crew Pier Luigi Basile: art directorDonah Bassett: negative cutter Giannetto De Rossi: creative make-up Giorgio Desideri: set decorator Frederick Elmes: photographer: second unit Allyn Ferguson: additional orchestrator Charles L. Finance: special effects Mentor C. Huebner: storyboard artist Jane Jenkins: casting George Jenson: storyboard artist Roy Larner: gaffer José López Rodero: first assistant director Steve Maslow: re-recording mixer (AAN) John Matthews: best boy Judith Miller: conceptual model builder Ron Miller: production illustrator Barry Nolan: special effects Carlo Rambaldi: creature special effects Robert Schaefer: title designer Mark Siegel: puppeteer, creature-maker, sculptor, head of stillsuit construction Alan Splet: sound effects Bruno Van Zeebroeck: special effects Kit West: special effects Albert Whitlock: special effects Gary Zink: special effects
Other Data 70 mm Todd-AO, Ratio 1:2,55 Technicolor, Dolby Stereo
Running Time: 141 minutes
Dune | David Lynch main page © Mike Hartmann thecityofabsurdity@yahoo.com |